POMS Order Regions Overview

The POMS templates defines a number of PRT regions for processing electronic orders. These are virtual regions because they contain virtual items, Orders, rather than physical regions that Product items are routed through.

Note: There is no difference between virtual and physical regions in the PRT model. The practical difference is that the transition point between one virtual region and another must also be virtual, i.e., virtual points set by mouse-clicks, scripts or system events.

The virtual order regions in any project based on the TBNG_POMS project template are:

Region Virtual holder for:
$OM_ORDER_NEW New order items; no decision has been made.
$OM_ORDER_UPDT Update order items; no decision has been made.
$OM_ORNEW_ACPT Accepted new orders
$OM_ORUPD_ACPT Accepted update orders.
$OM_ORNEW_RJCT Rejected new orders.
$OM_ORUPD_RJCT Rejected update orders.
$OM_ORNEW_DETN New orders that are being detained; they have been neither accepted nor rejected.
$OM_ORUPD_DETN Update orders that are being detained; they have been neither accepted nor rejected.
$OM_ORDER_RETN Manually returned orders.
$OM_MASTER_BLND Orders involved in master blend (ideal) sequencing.
$OM_PLANT_BLND Orders involved in custom plant blend sequencing; this is the last region before actual production.
DETAINMENT System detainment region.