Unlock grid orchestration with GridOS Data Fabric

Energy data is bigger, faster, and more scattered than ever before - making it a huge challenge to harness what you need for grid orchestration. GE Vernova has a solution, with its innovative GridOS Data Fabric.

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Modern software to orchestrate
a grid built for change

The grid gets more complex every day. GridOS provides the modern software tools to orchestrate the complexity that comes with a sustainable energy grid while delivering a reliable and resilient network – even in the face of increasing security and weather threats.

Partner ecosystem
to accelerate
grid orchestration

Orchestrating a reliable and resilient sustainable grid takes a village. That’s why we’ve assembled a team of best-in class partners to help you advance IT and OT alignment, adopt hybrid cloud, develop new applications on the GridOS platform, and accelerate transformation to a scalable and flexible grid.

Find out why we're better together
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What can grid orchestration do for you?

You deal with the complexity of transitioning to a sustainable energy grid every single day. Ease the process and smooth out the complexity by trusting GridOS software to orchestrate the grid.

Less network outages


GE Vernova Grid Software customers experience 18% less network outages.*

Faster restoration times


GE Vernova Grid Software customers realize 40% faster restoration times.*

More renewables


GridOS helps manage, balance and orchestrate grids with up to 70% renewables penetration.

Lower costs


For large grids with high renewable penetration, it is possible to avoid up to 40% (~$150M/year) in inertia management costs.

Discover more

*Data source from Annual Electric Power Industry Report, Form EIA-861, October 2022, results based on utilities in the United States that have 1.25 million customers or more. Reliability data reflects average SAIDI and SAIFI with MEDs.

The power of grid orchestration

A leader in grid software. Just ask the experts!


Want to learn more about what
GridOS can do for you?

Technologies that power utilities’ digital transformations

Technologies that power utilities’ digital transformations

There are five key technologies to help drive digital transformations for utilities. Learn more about each of them and how utilities can embrace and manage the transformation while creating a path to a more sustainable energy grid.

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GridOS Helps Utilities Advance Towards a Clean Energy Grid

GridOS helps utilities better align OT and IT

All utilities should strive to achieve IT/OT alignment. Only then can utilities enhance operational decision-making, increase cybersecurity, and enable complex model-driven operations, among other essential aspects of grid orchestration.

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GE & AWS Partnership Brings
                        Secure Cloud Computing

GridOS DERMS and ADMS combine to form orchestration powerhouse

DERMS and ADMS are both critical solutions for orchestrating the sustainable energy grid. When used together, their capabilities and value increase exponentially.

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Customer-Centric Innovation

Customer-centric innovation: The key to meeting grid challenges head-on

Collaboration is the catalyst to innovation in the grid industry. Learn how GridOS embodies this principle when trying to solve complex grid challenges.

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Frequently asked questions

GridOS is a portfolio comprised of a platform and a suite of applications enabling secure, reliable grid orchestration while delivering the resiliency and flexibility utilities need to modernize and transform to a sustainable energy grid.

GridOS platform and application suite supports end-to-end grid orchestration and market operations with these four components:

  • Zero Trust grid security model: Built-in, not bolted-on to help protect resources from inside and outside threats.
  • Federated grid data fabric: Eliminate enterprise data silos with a common transmission and distribution network model to enable a grid digital twin.
  • Suite of intelligent grid applications: Bring AI and machine learning into the control room for proactive and automated grid management.
  • Hybrid cloud architecture: Deploy hybrid cloud architecture on premise, on cloud or on edge when needed.

Grid orchestration is a system-of-systems servicing actionable data and analytics. It can coordinate grid activities through multiple systems, devices and parties, traversing generation, transmission, distribution, markets and the edge. Traditional management, on the other hand, occurs when utilities control the grid with top-down certainty.

Every utility can benefit from GridOS. Some of the world’s largest electric utilities, grid operators, and market operators already use GridOS and its grid orchestration technology.

Yes. Deployment automation enables quicker system builds, helping customers move away from lengthy upgrades to continuous updates.

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Let our experts show you how GE Vernova’s Digital business can accelerate your energy transition and deliver a sustainable energy grid.
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