PrtGroup.LocateItem (Method)


PrtGroup.LocateItem itemId$, refId$ [ , numRetries ]


Locates a serialized item within the tracking group. Upon return, the total item count may be obtained from ItemCount, and the individual items may be accessed via the Item function.

Parameter Description
itemId$ String. The Item ID to locate, may be an empty string if refId$ is specified.
refId$ String. The Reference ID of the item to locate, may be omitted or an empty string if itemId$ is specified.
numRetries Integer (optional) - The number of times to retry to find the item before failing. If an item is in transition from one tracking region to the next, there is a small period of time when it doesn't appear in either region's tracking queue. Defaults to 3 if not specified.


Dim main as new PrtGroup
main.Id = "MAIN"
' Get a single item from PRT with its RefId
'    and display its ItemId in a message box.
PRT.LocateItem "",REFNUM$
MsgBox prt.Item(0).ItemId