PrtCheckRoute (Method)


PrtCheckRoute sourceRegionId$, destRegionId$, itemtypeId$


Validates that an Item of a specific type is configured to move from a Source Tracking region to a Destination Tracking Region. Route validation is performed locally by the API from configuration information that was read into the API's internal schema during initialization.

If success the routine returns.

If failure an error is generated and should be caught using the on error goto Syntax.

Parameter Description
SourceRegionId$ String. The source region of the item.
DestRegionId$ String. The destination region of the item.
ItemtypeId$ String. The item type ID .


RtFail = 0
On Error goto RouteFail
PrtCheckRoute "Schedule", "Production", "MARKV"
If RtFail = 0 then msgbox "Item Type Valid for this Route."
If RtFail = 1 then msgbox "Item Type Invalid for this Route!"
Exit Sub
    RtFail = 1
    Resume Next