



Request list of tracking group data.


This routine provides a mechanism to request Tracking Group Data for one or more Tracking Groups residing within all configured PRT services, a specific PRT service or a specific Tracking Group. If the request is a success the calling routine will receive back a count of the number of Tracking Groups returned to the group list. If the request fails, the calling routine will receive back status information on the reason for the failure.


int prt_api_req_grouplist (prt_svc_id, group_id, group_count, retstat)
char        prt_svc_id[SERVICE_ID_LEN + 1];
char        group_id[PRT_REGION_ID_LEN + 1];
COR_I4      *group_count;
COR_STATUS  *retstat;

Data Structures



Argument Description
prt_svc_id Service identifier (optional, if group_id is specified)
group_id Tracking group identifier (optional, if prt_svc_id is specified) Note: At least one of the above arguments must be specified. If not, all services will be queried. It is possible that a list of 'items' will be collected, but not all services will have responded (because one or more of them were down). Thus the user has a list of valid responses, but may not have all the 'items' that should have been returned. In this case, the function will return COR_WARNING with an err_code of PRTI_NOT_ALL_SVCS_RESPONDED. The function returns, through an argument passed, the number of 'items' actually received. This argument will show how many valid 'items' were received.
*group_count Count of Groups returned to schema
*retstat Pointer to COR_STATUS structure

Return Value


If the function returns COR_WARNING or COR_FAILURE, additional error information can be found in the COR_STATUS structure.

PRTS_GROUP_NOT_DEFINED Group not configured (Warning)
PRTS_NO_INFO No information available due to unknown reason (Warning)
PRTS_NO_GLOBAL_GROUP No GROUPS global section available for (Warning)
PRTI_SVC_ID_NULL PRT service identifier NULL (Warning)
PRTI_SVC_ID_NDEF PRT service identifier not valid (Warning)
PRTI_GRP_ID_NULL Group identifier NULL (Warning)
PRTI_GRP_ID_NDEF Group identifier not valid (Warning)
PRTI_GRP_NOT_IN_SVC Group ID inconsistent with service specified (Warning)
PRTI_UNEXPECTED_SEG_TYPE Unexpected segment type from PRT_DS (Warning)
PRTI_PARTNER_DEAD Partner dead (Warning)
PRTI_EXTRA_SEGS Ignored extra segments after STATUS_SEG or END_SEG (Warning)
PRTI_NOT_ALL_SVCS_RESPONDED Not all services responded (Warning)
PRTI_WRITE_PORT_ERR Error in ipc_write_port (Warn/Fail)
PRTI_MF_INIT_ERR Error initializing segment (Failure)
PRTI_CRESEG_ERR Error creating segment (Failure)
PRTI_BAD_MSG Error in segment (Failure)
PRTI_READ_PORT_ERR Error in ipc_read_port (Failure)