



Reorder locations within tracking region.


This routine provides a mechanism to completely reorder the locations within a tracking region. This has the effect of moving all the items at each location in the region to another (possibly the same) location in the region.


int prt_api_reorder_region ( region_id, reorder_list,
                             num_locations, comment,
                             user_or_svc_id, retstat )
char       region_id[PRT_REGION_ID_LEN + 1];
COR_I2     reorder_list[num_locations];
COR_I2     num_locations;
char       comment[SC_DESCRIPTION_LEN + 1];
char       user_or_svc_id[SERVICE_ID_LEN + 1];
COR_STATUS *retstat;

Data Structures

See Static Information Requirements


Argument Description
region_id Tracking Region identifier (required)
reorder_list Pointer to an array consisting of region locations. These location numbers (1 to num_locations), specify the new region location for items residing in their current location, e.g. the locations the items are to be moved to. The reorder_list array index implicitly identifies the current location number, i.e. the first element in the reorder_list array ( reorder_list[0]) refers to the items that currently reside in region location 1. The value of reorder_list[0] specifies the region location where the items currently in region location 1 are to be moved to. This array must include elements for each location currently occupied in the region.
num_locations The number of locations in the region which currently are occupied. This number must match what the Data Collector thinks are the number of locations currently occupied or else the Data Collector will return an error (err_code = PRTC_REORDER_MISMATCH) and the operation will not be performed. Failure to allocate the reorder_list array with num_locations elements is bad.
comment Comment to be recorded in PRT history log file (optional).
user_or_svc_id User or service identifier. This is used for logging purposes and is optional. If this pointer is NULL, the host process id is used. (optional)
*retstat Pointer to COR_STATUS structure

Return Value


If the function returns COR_FAILURE additional error information can be found in the COR_STATUS structure.

Error Codes

PRTC_BAD_REG_SPEC Bad region specified (Warning)
PRTC_REORDER_MISMATCH Num. of locs in request different from num. of locs in region (Warning)
PRTI_REG_ID_NULL Region identifier NULL (Warning)
PRTI_REG_ID_NDEF Region identifier not valid (Warning)
PRTI_REORD_NUM_TOO_BIG Element # bigger than list size (Warning)
PRTI_MF_INIT_ERR Error initializing segment (Failure)
PRTI_CRESEG_ERR Error creating segment (Failure)

Plus all error codes returnable by prt_api_send_cmd.