Accessing Cloud Message Queue Web Console

About Accessing Cloud Message Queue Web Console

The Cloud Message Queue service allows you to access the ActiveMQ Web Console to manage the ActiveMQ brokers.

The Nginx web server is deployed as a Cloud Foundry (CF) application and acts as a reverse proxy for the HTTPS protocol to provide access to the web console for the broker instance.

You can access the Web Console for the following types of ActiveMQ brokers:

Access the Web Console for a Single-Instance Broker

About This Task

Important: In this task, angle brackets (< >) indicate placeholder text. If such placeholder text is part of a command, you must replace it with an appropriate value before running the command.


  1. Access KBA 000036362, and then download the file.
  2. Extract the files from the file to the directory that contains the ZIP file.
  3. Open the nginx_config_single_broker folder, and then open the nginx.conf file using a text editor (for example, Notepad).
  4. Locate the following code in the nginx.conf file, and then replace the text HOST with the name of the host that supports the single-instance broker.
    location / { proxy_pass https://HOST:8162; proxy_connect_timeout 30s; }
  5. In the directory that contains the file, run the following command to deploy the Nginx Cloud Foundry (CF) application:
    cf push <APP_NAME> -b -s cflinuxfs2 -m 128M --random-route
  6. Run the following command to get the route of the deployed CF application:
    cf app <APP_NAME>
  7. Locate the name of the route in the routes parameter of the command output, and then create a URL using the route as displayed in the following example:
    https://<Route Name>
  8. Using a web browser, open the URL that you created.
    A login prompt appears.
  9. Enter the user name and password to access the Web Console, and then select Save.
    Note: To obtain the username and password to access the Web Console, refer to the Bind the Cloud Foundry Application to the Cloud Message Queue Service Instance topic.
    The Web Console appears.

Access the Web Console for an Active or Standby Broker

About This Task

Important: In this task, angle brackets (< >) indicate placeholder text. If such placeholder text is part of a command, you must replace it with an appropriate value before running the command.


  1. Access KBA 000036363, and then download the file.
  2. Extract the files from the file to the directory that contains the ZIP file.
  3. Open the folder, and then open the nginx.conf file using a text editor (for example, Notepad).
  4. Locate the following code in the nginx.conf file, and then replace the text HOST_1 and HOST_2 with the names of the hosts that support the ActiveMQ broker in both active and standby modes.
    upstream backend { server HOST_1:8162 fail_timeout=60s; server HOST_2:8162 fail_timeout=60s; }
  5. In the directory that contains the file, run the following command to deploy the Nginx Cloud Foundry (CF) application:
    cf push <APP_NAME> -b -s cflinuxfs2 -m 128M --random-route
  6. Run the following command to get the route of the deployed CF application:
    cf app <APP_NAME>
  7. Locate the name of the route in the routes parameter of the command output, and then create a URL using the route as displayed in the following example:
    https://<Route Name>
  8. Using a web browser, open the URL that you created.
    A login prompt appears.
  9. Enter the user name and password to access the Web Console, and then select Save.
    Note: To obtain the username and password to access the Web Console, refer to the Bind the Cloud Foundry Application to the Cloud Message Queue Service Instance topic.
    The Web Console appears.