
Performance Benchmarking

The following table lists the results of the performance benchmarking that is performed on the Cloud Message Queue service for each subscription plan using the Java client and OpenWire protocol.

PlanDescriptionRequires Subscription?ModelMaximum No. of ConnectionsMaximum No. of Messages/Sec
Dedicated-1-Q1Single node, 1GB RAM, 1vCPU. Economical option for lightest workloads in developmentYesmq.t2.micro 10023,000
Dedicated-1-Q10Single node, 8GB RAM, 2vCPU. Economical option for light workloads in developmentYesmq.m5.large1,00050,000
Dedicated-1-Q20Single node, 16GB RAM, 4vCPU. Ideal for medium workloads in developmentYesmq.m5.xlarge1,00090,000
Dedicated-1-Q30Single node, 32GB RAM, 8vCPU. Ideal for heavy workloads in developmentYesmq.m5.2xlarge1,000150,000
Dedicated-2HA-Q1Two node, highly available, 1GB RAM, 1vCPU. Economical option for lightest workloads in developmentYesmq.t2.micro 10023,000
Dedicated-2HA-Q10Two node, highly available, 8GB RAM, 2vCPU. Economical option for light workloads in production environmentYesmq.m5.large1,00050,000
Dedicated-2HA-Q20Two node, highly available, 16GB RAM, 4vCPU. Ideal for medium workloads in production environmentYesmq.m5.xlarge1,00090,000
Dedicated-2HA-Q30Two node, highly available, 32GB RAM, 8vCPU. Ideal for heavy workloads in production environmentYesmq.m5.2xlarge1,000150,000