Tenant Automation Rules

About Automation Rules

Automation Rules is a tab in the Tenant Preferences page.

Users must have tenant admin permissions to access the Tenant Preferences page, which provides access to the Automation Rules tab. A tenant admin can create rules at the tenant level that determine the criteria that will trigger a specific action for Alerts or Cases. In creating a rule, the tenant admin selects a trigger for the action, the asset involved, any additional criteria, and the action that the rule invokes.

Automation Rules for Alerts

A tenant admin can create automation rules to trigger one of the following actions on Alerts:

Create a Latched Alert Rule

You can create an Alert rule for latching, or grouping, alerts that frequently recur.

Before You Begin
You must have tenant admin permissions to see the Tenant Preferences page and the Automation Rules tab. The tenant admin can view, create, and delete automation rules.
  1. In the left navigation menu, select Tenant Preferences.
    The Tenant Preferences page appears.
  2. Select Admin > Tenant Preferences.
    The Tenant Preferences page appears.
  3. In the Automation Rules tab, select the Plus icon (+) to the right of the Alert Rules row, and specify the following information in the subsequent dialog boxes.
    Command or ActionDescription
    Select a triggerSelect an event that will cause this rule to trigger.
    1. Select Alert Created in the list.
    2. Select Next.
    Enter Asset
    1. Enter the Asset Source Key for the asset you want to create the rule for, and then select outside the box to validate the selected asset.
    2. Or, check the Use All Resources box. When Use All Resources is selected, the rule will apply to all assets across all sites in all enterprises. When the user checks the box, the text field above it is disabled (grayed out).
    3. Once the green check mark appears to the right of the asset box, the Next button is enabled. Select Next.
    Note: If the asset is not validated, the message Asset Not Found appears instead of the check mark.
    Select CriteriaSelect the Add Filter criteria for triggering the latching, and then select one or more of the following options from the list.
    1. Severity – Select one of the following from the list, and then enter a number in the text field:
      • Is equal to
      • Is not equal to
      • Is greater than
      • Is greater than or equal to
      • Is less than
      • Is less than or equal to
    2. Source – Select one of the following from the first list:
      • Is equal to
      • Is not equal to
      and then select one of the following from the second list:
      • None (default value)
      • Predix
      • Orchestration Manager
      • Manual
      • SmartSignal
      • SS Tag Rule
    3. Alert Type – Select one of the following from the first list:
      • Is equal to
      • Is not equal to
      and then select one of the following from the second list:
      • None (default value)
      • Combustion
      • Vibration
      • Mechanical
      • Generic
    4. Alert Name – Enter a name in the text field.
      Important: The alert name must not contain the following characters:
      • Quotation mark (")
      • Apostrophe (')
      • Semicolon (;)
      • Slash (/)
      • Open parenthesis ( ( )
      • Close parenthesis ( ) )
      Note: To remove any of the criteria, select the X at the end of the row.
    5. Select Next.
    Select an ActionSelect the action to be taken when the rule is triggered.
    1. Select Latch Alert from the list.
    2. Select Finish.
The message Your changes have been saved successfully appears in the upper right side of the page, and the new rule appears in the Alert Rules section of the Automation Rules tab.

Create a Rule for Automatic Processing of Alerts

You can create automation rules for alerts that specify an automatic action that is taken when all conditions are met.

Before You Begin
You must have tenant admin permissions to access the Automation Rules section. The tenant admin can view, create, and delete automation rules.
About This Task
You will need to select a trigger for the subsequent action, an asset ID, the criteria (or source of the alert), and the action invoked by the trigger.
  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tenant Preferences.
    The Tenant Preferences page appears.
  2. Select Admin > Tenant Preferences.
    The Tenant Preferences page appears.
  3. In the Automation Rules section, select next to the Alert Rules row, and specify the following information in the subsequent windows.
    Command or ActionDescription
    TriggerSelect the Alert Disposition Updated option in the list.
    1. Enter the Asset Source Key for the asset for which you want to create the rule, and then select outside the box to validate the selected asset.


      Select the Use All Resources check box. When the Use All Resources check box is selected, the rule will apply to all assets across all sites in all enterprises. When the user selects the check box, the box above it is disabled (grayed out).

      A green check mark appears next to the asset box and the Next button is enabled.

    2. Select Next.
    Note: If the asset is not validated, the message Asset Not Found appears instead of the check mark.
    CriteriaSelect filter criteria to restrict when the rule will trigger. Disposition is the default, and only, option.

    Select Next.

    Select one of the following options:
    • Select Mark Alert as Processed to configure the rule to automatically set the status of the Alert to Processed based on the filter criteria.
    • Select the Set Alert Visibility option to specify the action that will be taken when the rule is triggered.
      1. Set the Alert Visibility by selecting either General or Limited. Limited is selected by default.
      2. When done, select Finish.
      Note: General visibility alerts are visible to any user with permissions to view alerts and the relevant asset. Limited visibility alerts require an additional permission.
Once the rule is created, a message appears, specifying that the rule is saved and the new rule appears in the Alert Rules section of the Automation Rules section.
Note: If you create a rule that duplicates an existing rule, you are not prompted regarding the duplicate entry, but only the initial rule is displayed in the Automation Rules section.

Create an Automation Rule for Cases

You can create automation rules for cases that specify an automatic action that is taken when all conditions are met.

Before You Begin

You must have tenant admin permissions to access the Automation Rules tab in the Tenant Preferences page. The tenant admin can view, create, and delete automation rules. A user or user group to which the case rule is assigned must have permissions to access Cases as well as the asset for which the rule was created.

About This Task

You will need to select a trigger for the subsequent action, an asset ID, the criteria (or source of the case), and the action invoked by the trigger.


  1. In the left navigation menu, select Tenant Preferences.
    The Tenant Preferences page appears.
  2. Select Admin > Tenant Preferences.
    The Tenant Preferences page appears.
  3. In the Automation Rules tab, select the Plus icon (+) to the right of the Case Rules row, and specify the following information in the subsequent dialog boxes.
    Command or ActionDescription
    TriggerSelect Case Created in the list.
    AssetSelect an asset ID from the list, and then select outside the box to validate the selected asset.

    A green check mark appears to the right of the asset box and the Next button is enabled. Select Next.

    If the asset is not validated, the message Asset Not Found appears instead of the check mark.

    CriteriaSelect Orchestration Manager as the criteria and then select Next.
    ActionSelect Auto Assign Case as the action and then select Next.
  4. After selecting an action, in the box, enter the name of the user or user group to which the case will be assigned.
  5. Select Finish.
    Validation of the user or user group to which the case was assigned is done to ensure the users have access to the selected asset.


Once the rule is created, a message appears, specifying that the rule is saved and the new rule appears in the Case Rules section of the Automation Rules tab.
Note: If you create a rule that duplicates an existing rule, you are not prompted regarding the duplicate entry, but only the initial rule is displayed in the Automation Rules tab.

Delete an Automation Rule

As a tenant admin, you can delete an automation rule that has been set for either alerts or for cases.

Before You Begin

You must have tenant admin permissions to see the Tenant Preferences page and the Automation Rules tab. The tenant admin can view, create, and delete automation rules.


  1. In the left navigation menu, select Tenant Preferences.
    The Tenant Preferences page appears.
  2. Select Admin > Tenant Preferences.
    The Tenant Preferences page appears.
  3. In Tenant Preferences, select the Automation Rules tab.
  4. In either the Alert Rules or Case Rules section, find the rule you want to delete.
  5. Select the rule, and then select the Delete icon ().
    The Delete Rule dialog box appears.
  6. Confirm the deletion of the rule.
    The message Rule Deleted successfully appears.


The rule is removed and you can verify that for any newly created alerts that satisfy the deleted alert rule the alert disposition is unchanged, while any newly created cases that satisfy the deleted case rule are unassigned or unclaimed. If you add the deleted rule again, you can verify that either the alert disposition has changed or cases are unassigned, per the rule.