Asset Criticality Analyses (ACAs)

About Asset Criticality Analyses

Asset Criticality Analysis (ACA) is a tool that you can use to define the criticality of a system and the individual locations and pieces of equipment that make up that system.

About the Asset Criticality Analysis Team

After you have defined the ACA that you want to conduct, you can define the ACA team by accessing the ACA Team Members section.

After you define the ACA team using these examples, the Asset Criticality Analysis Team Members page will look similar to the following image.

About General Recommendation Records and ACA

At the Analysis level and Asset level, you can add General Recommendation records to the ACA by linking them to ACA records.

If you add to the ACA a record that is already linked to a General Recommendation record, that General Recommendation record will also be added to the ACA automatically.

You will know that a General Recommendation record is linked to an Asset Criticality Analysis System record when you access the Recommended Actions pane, which lists the number of Recommended Actions that are currently associated with that system.

For example, the following image shows the grid on the Asset Criticality Analysis Systems page. In the Recommended Actions column, the text Recommended Actions appears, indicating that the Asset Criticality Analysis System record that appears in that row is linked to one General Recommendation record.

You can manage the General Recommendation records for individual records within an ACA via the Recommended Actions pane, or you can view a list of all the General Recommendation records for an ACA via Action Management.
Tip: For information about additional options available when working with the Recommendation records, refer to the Action Management section of the documentation.

Access an ACA


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    A grid appears containing a list of ACA analyses.
  3. Select the link for the record you want to open.
    The Analysis workspace appears, displaying the Assessment section.
    Note: If you want to modify the ACA, select the Analysis Definition tab, modify the available fields, and then select to save your changes.

Access the Analyses Section

Before You Begin

You can access the ACA Overview page only if you are a member of one of the following Security Groups:
  • MI ACA Administrator
  • MI ACA Member
  • MI ACA Owner

About This Task

This topic describes how to access the Analyses section, in which you can view information and perform various tasks related to analyses of various Asset Hierarchy levels. If you want to view analyses associated with a particular Asset Hierarchy level, you can access the ACA Overview page from that Asset Hierarchy level.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. In the ACA Overview page, select the Analyses tab.
    The Analyses section appears, displaying a list of available analyses based on the current filter.

    Note: By default, the Asset Hierarchy level is set to Home. You can modify the Asset Hierarchy level by selecting .

Create an ACA


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select New Analysis.
    The Analysis Definition workspace appears.

  3. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the workspace, select Site.
    Note: By default, the site that the user is assigned to appears.
  5. Select the site to which you want to assign the ACA record.
    Note: If the ACA record is assigned to the default site, then it can be accessed only by users who have been assigned to the same site. The site selector component becomes read only after it is saved. You will need to log in as a Super User to modify the site. A Super User can change the site to any of the sites that the user has permission for OR choose to make the ACA record as a Global Record by selecting Global, so that all Predix Essentials users can see it. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using that feature.
  6. Select .
    The new analysis is saved.

What To Do Next

Access the ACA??Team Members Section


  1. Access the ACA for which you want to view team members.
  2. Select the Team Members tab.
    The Team Members section appears.

    Tip: For details about working with teams and the Team Members section, refer to the Teams section of the documentation.

Access the Assets Section

Before You Begin

You can access the ACA Overview page only if you are a member of one of the following Security Groups:
  • MI ACA Administrator
  • MI ACA Member
  • MI ACA Owner

About This Task

This topic describes how to access the Assets section, in which you can view information and perform tasks related to assets of various Asset Hierarchy levels. If you want to view assets associated with a particular Asset Hierarchy level, you can access the ACA Overview page from that Asset Hierarchy level.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. In the ACA Overview page, select the Assets tab.
    The Assets section appears, displaying a list of available assets based on the current filter.

    Note: By default, the Asset Hierarchy level is set to home. You can modify the Asset Hierarchy level by selecting .

Add an Asset


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    The Analyses section appears, displaying a list of available analyses based on the asset that is selected in the asset hierarchy.

  3. Select an analysis.
    The Assessment workspace for the selected analysis appears.

  4. Select .
    The Enter Parameter Values window appears.

  5. In the Asset section, select .
    The Hierarchy window appears, displaying the asset hierarchy.
  6. Select a hierarchy level, and then select Done.
    The assets associated with the hierarchy level appear in the Add Assets window.

  7. Select the check boxes next to the assets that you want to add to the analysis, and then Select Add.
    The selected assets are added to the analysis.
    Important: The selected assets must belong to the same site as the current analysis.

What To Do Next

Assess the criticality of the assets assigned to the ACA via the Criticality Checklist or via the Risk Matrix.

Apply Assessment to other Assets in Analysis

This topic lists the steps required to apply assessment of an asset to other assets in an analysis.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    The Analyses section appears, displaying a list of available analyses based on the current filter.

  3. Select an analysis.
    The Assessment workspace for the selected analysis appears.

  4. Select an asset row whose assessment needs to be applied to other assets.
  5. Select .
    The Apply Assessment To window appears.

  6. Select the assets on which the same assessment is to be applied and then select Apply.
    The selected assets have the same assessment from the analysis.

Assess an Asset Via the Risk Matrix

This topic describes how to assess the criticality of an asset with the Risk Matrix. You can also assess asset criticality with the Criticality Checklist.

Before You Begin

There must be an available analysis that contains assets.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    The Analyses section appears, displaying a list of available analyses based on the current filter.

  3. Select an analysis.
    The Assessment section for the selected analysis appears.

  4. To assess a single asset, next to the asset you want to assess, select .
    Note: To assess multiple assets simultaneously, next to each row containing an asset that you want to assess, select the check box, and then select above the grid.
    The Criticality Assessment section appears.

  5. Select the appropriate values in the Risk Matrix, and then select Save.
    The criticality values calculated by the assessment are updated in the grid.

What To Do Next

Approve the ACA.

Assess an Asset Via the Criticality Checklist

This topic describes how to assess the criticality of an asset with the Criticality Checklist. You can also assess asset criticality with the Risk Matrix.

Before You Begin

  • There must be an available analysis that contains assets.
  • Asset Criticality Analysis must be configured to measure criticality with the Criticality Checklist.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    The Analyses section appears, displaying a list of available analyses based on the current filter.

  3. Select an analysis.
    The Assessment section for the selected analysis appears.

  4. To assess a single asset, next to the asset you want to assess, select .
    Note: To assess multiple assets simultaneously, next to each row containing an asset that you want to assess, select the check box, and then select above the grid.
    The Criticality Assessment window appears.

  5. Enter values in the available fields, and then select Save.
    The criticality values calculated by the assessment are updated in the grid.

What To Do Next

Approve the ACA.

View the Revision History of a Criticality Assessment via the Risk Matrix

This topic describes how to view the revision history of a criticality assessment for a given asset in the Risk Matrix. You can also view the revision history in the Criticality Checklist.

Before You Begin

There must be an available analysis that contains assets.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    The Analyses section appears, displaying a list of available analyses based on the current filter.

  3. Select an analysis.
    The Assessment section for the selected analysis appears.

  4. Select against the asset for which you want to view the revision history.
    The Criticality Assessment section appears.

  5. Select Revision History.
    The Revision History section for the selected asset appears.

  6. Select a link in the REVISION DATE/TIME column for the record that you want to view.
    The revision history of the criticality assessment for the selected asset appear in the grid.

View the Revision History of a Criticality Assessment via the Criticality Checklist

This topic describes how to view the revision history of a criticality assessment for a given asset in the Criticality Checklist. You can also view the revision history in the Risk Matrix.

Before You Begin

  • There must be an available analysis that contains assets.
  • Asset Criticality Analysis must be configured to measure criticality with the Criticality Checklist.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    The Analyses section appears, displaying a list of available analyses based on the current filter.

  3. Select an analysis.
    The Assessment section for the selected analysis appears.

  4. Select against the asset for which you want to view the revision history.
    The Criticality Assessment section appears.

  5. Select Revision History.
    The Revision History section for the selected asset appears.

  6. Select a link in the REVISION DATE/TIME column for the record that you want to view.
    The revision history of the criticality assessment for the selected asset appear in the Criticality Checklist datasheet.

Send an Asset to a New ACA Analysis

This topic provides the steps for sending an asset to a new ACA Analysis.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Assets tab.
    The Assets section appears, displaying a list of available assets based on the current filter.

  3. In the Assets section, select the check box in the row containing the asset you want to send to a new ACA Analysis.
    The asset is highlighted.

  4. In the section, select the Send To drop-down menu, and select ACA Analysis.
  5. In the Send to ACA Analysis window, if it is not already selected, select Create New.
    The window displays options for you to create a new ACA Analysis.

  6. Complete the required fields, and select Send.
    Your asset is sent to a new ACA Analysis and will be connected to the ACA analysis when the linking process completes.
    • The Send To Status process indicator appears in the workspace. When the process is completed, a notification appears.
    • Upon successful completion, a link to the ACA Analysis appears in the ACA column for the asset.

Send an Asset to an Existing ACA Analysis

This topic provides the steps for sending an asset to an existing ACA Analysis.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Assets tab.
    The Assets section appears, displaying a list of available assets based on the current filter.

  3. In the Assets section, select the check box in the row containing the asset you want to send to an existing ACA Analysis.
    The asset is highlighted.

    Note: If an ACA is listed in the ACA column, you cannot send it to another ACA.
  4. In the section, select the Send To drop-down menu, and select ACA Analysis.
    A window appears, displaying a list of existing analyses that you can send to.

  5. Select the System ID for an analysis, and select Send.
    The asset is sent to an existing ACA Analysis and will be connected to the ACA Analysis when the sending process completes.
    • The Send To Status process indicator appears in the workspace. When the process completes, a notification appears.
    • Upon successful completion, a hyperlink to the ACA Analysis appears in the ACA column for the asset.

Send Assets to an Asset Strategy

This topic provides the steps for sending assets to an Asset Strategy or sending assets to an Asset Strategy and applying an Asset Strategy Template.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Assets tab.
    The Assets section appears, displaying a list of available assets based on the current filter.

  3. In the Assets section, select the check boxes against the rows containing the assets that you want to send to an Asset Strategy.
    The selected assets are highlighted.

    Note: You cannot send assets for which a strategy is already listed in the Strategy column to a different asset strategy.
  4. Select Send To, and then select Asset Strategy.
    The Send to Asset Strategy window appears.

  5. To create an asset strategy for the selected assets, select Create.
    An Asset Strategy is created and the selected assets are sent to the Asset Strategy. The assets are connected to the Asset Strategy when the process is completed.
    • The status of the process can be viewed from the Send To Status process indicator.
    • Upon successful completion, a link to the Asset Strategy appears in the Strategy column for the asset.
  6. To apply an Asset Strategy Template when creating an asset strategy for the selected assets, perform the following steps:
    1. Select the option Create Strategy From Template.
      The Select a Template section appears.

    2. Select a template that you want to apply and select Next.
      The Application Method section appears.

    3. Select the application method and select Next.
      The Confirmation section appears.

    An Asset Strategy is created and the selected assets are sent to the Asset Strategy. The Asset Strategy Template is applied and the assets are connected to the Asset Strategy when the process is completed.
    • The status of the process can be viewed from the Send To Status process indicator.
    • Upon successful completion, a link to the Asset Strategy appears in the Strategy column for the asset.

Send an Asset to a System Strategy

This topic provides the steps for sending an asset to a System Strategy.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Assets tab.
    The Assets section appears, displaying a list of available assets based on the current filter.

  3. In the Assets section, select the check box in the row containing the asset you want to send to a System Strategy.
    The asset is highlighted.

    Note: If a strategy is listed in the Strategy column, you cannot send it to another strategy.
  4. In the section, select the Send To drop-down menu, and select System Strategy.
    A window appears.

  5. Select Yes.
    The asset is sent to a new System Strategy and will be connected to the System Strategy when the sending process completes.
    • The Send To Status process indicator appears in the workspace. When the process competes, a notification appears.
    • Upon successful completion, a hyperlink to the System Strategy appears in the Strategy column for the asset.

Send an Asset to a New FMEA Analysis

This topic provides the steps for sending an asset to a new FMEA Analysis.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Assets tab.
    The Assets section appears, displaying a list of available assets based on the current filter.

  3. In the Assets section, select the check box in the row containing the asset you want to send to a new FMEA Analysis.
    The asset is highlighted.

    Note: If an FMEA Analysis is listed in the Other Analyses column, you cannot send it to another FMEA Analysis.
  4. In the section, select the Send To drop-down menu, and select FMEA Analysis.
  5. In the Send to FMEA Analysis window, if it is not already selected, select Create New.
    A window appears, allowing you to create a new FMEA Analysis.

  6. Complete the required fields, and select Send.
    The asset is sent to a new FMEA Analysis and will be connected to the FMEA analysis when the sending process completes.
    • The Send To Status process indicator appears in the workspace. When the process completes, a notification appears.
    • Upon successful completion, a hyperlink to the FMEA Analysis appears in the Other Analyses column for the asset.

Send an Asset to an Existing FMEA Analysis

This topic provides the steps for sending an asset to an existing FMEA Analysis.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Assets tab.
    The Assets section appears, displaying a list of available assets based on the current filter.

  3. In the Assets section, select the check box in the row containing the asset you want to send to an existing FMEA Analysis.
    The asset is highlighted.

    Note: If an FMEA Analysis is listed in the Other Analyses column, you cannot send it to another FMEA Analysis.
  4. In the section, select the Send To drop-down menu, and select FMEA Analysis.
    A window appears, displaying a list of existing analyses that you can send to.

  5. Select an Analysis ID, and select Send.
    The asset is sent to the existing FMEA Analysis and will be connected to the FMEA analysis when the sending process completes.
    • The Send To Status process indicator appears in the workspace. When the process completes, a notification appears.
    • Upon successful completion, a hyperlink to the FMEA Analysis appears in the Other Analyses column for the asset.

Send an Asset to an FMEA Analysis using the Asset Template

This topic provides the steps for sending assets to an FMEA Analysis using an Asset Template.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Assets tab.
    The Assets section appears, displaying a list of available assets based on the current filter.
  3. In the Assets section, select the check box against the row containing the assets you want to send to an FMEA Analysis using the Asset Template.
    The assets are selected.
  4. Select the Send To from the drop-down menu, and select FMEA Analysis.
  5. In the Send to FMEA Analysis window, select Apply Template.
  6. Select the Asset Template you want to apply to the analysis, and then select Next.
  7. Select the FMEA Analysis that you want to send the assets, and then select Next.
  8. Review the template and the asset details, and then select Implement.
    The assets are sent to an FMEA Analysis and will be connected to the FMEA analysis when the sending process is completed.
    • The Send To Status process indicator appears in the ACA workspace. When the process is completed, a notification appears.
    • Upon successful completion, a hyperlink to the FMEA Analysis appears in the Other Analyses column for the asset.

Send an Asset to a New RCM Analysis

This topic provides the steps for sending an asset to a new RCM Analysis.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Assets tab.
    The Assets section appears, displaying a list of available assets based on the current filter.

  3. In the Assets section, select the check box in the row containing the asset you want to send to a new RCM Analysis.
    The asset is highlighted.

    Note: If an RCM Analysis is listed in the Other Analyses column, you cannot send it to another RCM Analysis.
  4. In the section, select the Send To drop-down menu, and select RCM Analysis.
  5. In the Send to RCM Analysis window, if it is not already selected, select Create New.
    A window appears, allowing you to create a new RCM Analysis.

  6. Complete the required fields, and select Send.
    The asset is sent to a new RCM Analysis and will be connected to the RCM analysis when the sending process completes.
    • The Send To Status process indicator appears in the workspace. When the process completes, a notification appears.
    • Upon successful completion, a hyperlink to the RCM Analysis appears in the Other Analyses column for the asset.

Send an Asset to an Existing RCM Analysis

This topic provides the steps for sending an asset to an existing RCM Analysis.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Assets tab.
    The Assets section appears, displaying a list of available assets based on the current filter.

  3. In the Assets section, select the check box in the row containing the asset you want to send to an existing RCM Analysis.
    The asset is highlighted.

    Note: If an RCM Analysis is listed in the Other Analyses column, you cannot send it to another RCM Analysis.
  4. In the section, select the Send To drop-down menu, and select RCM Analysis.
    A window appears, displaying a list of existing analyses that you can send to.

  5. Select an Analysis ID, and select Send.
    • A Send To Status process indicator appears in the workspace. When the process completes, a notification appears.
    • Upon successful completion, a hyperlink to the RCM Analysis appears in the Other Analyses column for the asset.

Send an Asset to the RBI Asset View

This topic provides the steps for sending an asset to an RBI Asset View.

Before You Begin

An asset must be a functional equipment asset to be sent to the RBI Asset View.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Assets tab.
    The Assets section appears, displaying a list of available assets based on the current filter.

  3. In the Assets section, select the check box in the row containing the asset you want to send to an RBI Asset View.
    The asset is highlighted.
    Note: If an RBI Asset View is listed, you cannot view the asset in RBI Asset View.

  4. In the section, select the Send To drop-down menu, and select RBI Asset View.
    A new section appears, displaying the Asset Summary of the asset.

Send an Asset to RBI Asset View from Analysis View

This topic provides the steps for sending an asset to an RBI Asset View.

Before You Begin

An asset must be a functional equipment asset to be sent to the RBI Asset View.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    A grid appears which contains a list of ACA analyses.
  3. Select the link for the analysis you would like to open.
    The Analysis workspace for the analysis you selected appears, displaying the Assessment section.
  4. In the Assessment section, select the check box in the row containing the asset you want to send to an RBI Asset View.
    The asset is highlighted.
  5. Select the Send To drop-down menu, and select RBI Asset View.
    A new section appears, displaying the Asset Summary of the asset.

Approve an Analysis

This topic provides the steps to approve an analysis.

Before You Begin

You can access the ACA Overview page only if you are a member of one of the following Security Groups:
  • MI ACA Administrator
  • MI ACA Member
  • MI ACA Owner


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    The Analyses section appears, displaying a list of available analyses based on the current filter.

  3. Select the analysis you want to approve.
    The Assessment section appears.
  4. Select the State Configuration button.
  5. Select Approve.
  6. Select Done.
    A window appears.

  7. Select Yes.
    The analysis is moved to the Approved state.

What To Do Next

Update SAP.

Update SAP

This topic describes how to update SAP from the Analysis View.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    The Analyses section appears, displaying a list of available analyses based on the current filter.

  3. Select an analysis.
    The Assessment section for the selected analysis appears.

  4. Select , and then select Update SAP.
    A window appears, asking you to confirm that you want to update SAP.
  5. Select Yes.
    SAP is updated.
    Note: When the process is completed, you can select the completion date or the View Error Logs link to view the status and the status message in the Update SAP Logs page.

Access Reference Documents for an ACA

This topic describes how to access reference document for an ACA.


  1. Access an ACA.
  2. Select the Reference Documents tab.
    The Reference Documents section appears, displaying the list of available reference documents.

    Tip: For more information, refer to the Reference Documents section of the documentation.

Export an ACA from Analysis View

This topic describes how to export an ACA from Analysis View.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    The Analyses section appears, displaying a list of available analyses based on the current filter.

  3. Select an analysis.
    The Assessment workspace for the selected analysis appears.

  4. Select , and select Export.
    The Export to a File window appears.

  5. In the Please provide a File Name box, enter a file name for the export.
  6. Select Export.
    The selected analysis is exported and appears in an Excel document.

Export Analyses from the Overview Page

This topic describes how to export analyses.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    The Analyses section appears.
  3. Next to each analysis that you want to export, select the check box.
  4. Select .
    The Export to a File window appears.

  5. In the Please provide a File Name box, enter a file name for the export.
  6. Select Export.
    The selected analyses are exported to an Excel document.

Remove an ACA from the ACA Overview Page

About This Task

You can remove an ACA record from the ACA Overview page using . When you remove an ACA record:

  • The record is removed from the ACA Overview page.
  • The links between that record and the other records associated with the ACA are deleted.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    A grid appears, which contains all of the available ACA records.
  3. Select the row for the record that you want to remove, and select .
    The ACA record is removed.
    Note: Though the record is removed from the ACA Overview page, it can still be accessed on the Predix Essentials database in the search results under the name of the record itself, or a search under Asset Criticality Analysis.

Clear Assessment for an Asset

This topic describes how to clear assessments associated with an asset. You can clear assessments associated with multiple assets at a time.


  1. Access the ACA Overview page.
  2. Select the Analyses tab.
    The Analyses section appears, displaying a list of available analyses based on the current filter.
  3. Select an analysis.
    The Assessment workspace for the selected analysis appears.
  4. Select the check box next to the asset for which you want to clear the assessment.
    Tip: If you want to clear assessments for multiple assets, select the check boxes next to all the required assets.
  5. Select .
    The assessment associated with the assets is cleared.