Troubleshooting Deployment

Validate the APM Connect Administration Center License

To use the APM Connect Administration Center, you must validate your Administration Center license. Typically, validation is done automatically. However, user specific environment configuration, such as firewalls, may require manual validation. This topic describes how to manually validate your APM Connect Administration Center license.

Important: This step is required only if your license was not validated automatically when you accessed the APM Connect Administration Center. If you did not receive the No token set error when accessing the APM Connect Administration Center, you can skip this procedure.


  1. If you receive the No token set error when accessing the APM Connect Administration Center, as shown in the following image, select Validate your license manually.

    The Validation request screen appears.

  2. In the Validation request window, in the Validation message (put this message on the form of the next Link) box, copy the text.
  3. In the Validation link (put the generated validation token to the next text Area) section, select link.

    If a browser opens, displaying the Enter your validation request page, skip to step 6.


    If a browser does not open, proceed to the next step.

  4. Complete the validation.
    Response from selecting linkHow to complete validation
    A browser opens displaying Enter your validation request.Proceed to the next step.
    A browser does not open.
    1. Right-click link, and then select copy link text.
    2. Via email or chat, send the link to a machine with internet access that is not behind the firewall, and then, on that machine, paste the link into a browser.
  5. Paste or enter the text from the Validation message (put this message on the form of the next Link) box into the box in the browser, and then select Get your validation token.
  6. Select .
  7. In the Copy your validation token, copy the text in the box.
  8. Return to the APM Connect Administration Center.
  9. Paste the token text into the Validate box.
  10. Select Validate.


The license is validated manually.

Set Java Environment Variables

About This Task

The Java Environment variables are set automatically when you run the APM Connect installer. However, if you need to update or reinstall Java without reinstalling APM Connect, complete these steps to configure Java on your APM Connect server.


  1. On the APM Connect server, navigate to Control Panel\System and Security\System to open system properties for the Windows machine.

    The View basic information about your computer screen appears.

  2. In the Control Panel Home pane, select Advanced systems settings.

    The System Properties window appears, displaying the Advanced tab.

  3. Select Environment Variables....

    The Environment Variables window appears.

  4. In the System variables section, select New....

    The New System Variable window appears.

  5. In the Variable name box, enter
  6. In the Variable value box, enter the path to the root jdk installation directory. If you installed Java in the default location, the path you should enter is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk<JAVA_VERSION_NUMBER>. For example, the default path for Java 8 is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131

  7. Select OK.
  8. In the System variables section, select New....

    The New System Variable window appears.

  9. In the Variable name box, enter
  10. In the Variable value box, enter the path to the root jre installation directory. If you installed Java in the default location, the path you should enter is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk<JAVA_VERSION_NUMBER>\jre. For example, the default path for Java 8 is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131\jre
  11. Select OK, and then close the properties window.

    The Java environment variables are created.

Enable Test Connection

About This Task

Note: This step is completed automatically when you run the APM Connect installer. These steps are included here for your reference if necessary.


  1. Access your APM Connect Installation package, navigate to the Jobs folder, and then copy the file CheckConnections.jar.
  2. On your APM Connect server, navigate to C:\APMConnect\Utilities\runtime\deploy.
  3. In the deploy directory, paste the file CheckConnections.jar.

What To Do Next

  • Test the connections required to complete a data load.

Change H2 Console Password

This topic describes how to change the H2 Console password associated with the APM Connect Administration Center.

About This Task

Note: This step is completed automatically when you run the APM Connect installer. These steps are included here for your reference if necessary.


  1. Access the APM Connect Administration Center.
  2. In the Menu pane, in the Settings section, select the Configuration tab.

    The Configuration section appears.

  3. Select the Database (4 Parameters) group to expand the workspace.
  4. Highlight and copy the URL in the URL row.
  5. Select the link in the Web Console row.

    In a new browser tab, the H2 Console Login screen appears.

  6. In the H2 Console, in the JDBC URL field, paste the copied URL.
  7. In the User Name field, enter the user name. The default user name is tisadmin.
  8. In the Password field, enter the password. The default password is tisadmin.

  9. Select Connect.
  10. In the H2 Console, in the SQL statement pane, enter the following command: SET PASSWORD '<password>'.
    Note: The password must be in single quotes. Example: SET PASSWORD 'abcstrng!5'.
  11. Select Run (Ctrl+Enter).

    The H2 Console password is changed.

Create APM Service User

Jobs in the APM Connect Administration Center are run by users. The apmService user is required to facilitate communication between APM Connect and GE Digital APM.

About This Task

Note: This step is completed automatically when you run the APM Connect installer. These steps are included here for your reference if necessary.


  1. In the APM Connect Administration Center, from the Menu pane, in the Settings section, select the Users tab, and then select Add.
  2. In the Users pane, enter the user information into the empty fields as necessary according to the following table, and then select Save.

    Email login for user

    [email protected]
    First nameUser first nameapm
    Last nameUser last nameservice
    PasswordUser passwordapmConnect (default password)
    TypeType of data migrationData Integration/ESB
    RoleUser roleOperation manager
    ActiveSelect check box to signify active userMust select check box


The apmService user is created, and it appears in the list of users.

Import Adapter Jobs

A job is used to extract information from the source and push it into GE Digital APM. Before you can initiate a job using the APM Connect Administration Center, you must first load the jobs into the APM Connect Administration Center.

About This Task

Note: This step is needed only if the adapter jobs were not imported when you ran the APM Connect installer.

Loading the jobs is accomplished by importing the jobs from a .zip file. This topic describes how to import jobs into the APM Connect Administration Center.


  1. In the Menu pane, in the Conductor section, select the Job Conductor tab.
  2. In the Job Conductor menu, select Add.

    The Execution task pane is enabled.

  3. In the Execution task pane, in the Label box, enter a label for the job.
  4. In the Description box, enter a description for the Job.
  5. Select the Active check box.
  6. In the Job section, select .
  7. In the Import generated code window, select Browse, and then navigate to the folder containing the updated jobs package.
  8. Depending on the type of deployment, select the file that contains the job based on the following tables.
    Note: You must import every job, or run the respective wrapper job, in the table for the respective deployment.
    Figure: Maximo Adapter Jobs
    Job NameDescription
    CreateIntermediateRepository.zipCreates the IR database.
    Extraction_Wrapper_Maximo.zipWrapper job for all Maximo Adapters allowing easy configuration of multiple Maximo Adapters jobs.
    Figure: SAP and SAP PI Adapter Jobs
    Job NameDescription
    CreateIntermediateRepository.zipCreates IR database.
    EncryptString.zipUsed to encrypt passwords.

    Wrapper job for all SAP Adapters allowing easy configuration of multiple SAP jobs.

  9. On the Import generated code window, select Launch upload.

    The Project, Branch, Name, Version, and Context boxes are automatically populated with appropriate values.

  10. In the Execution Server list, select the server on which the task should be run.
  11. Select Save.

    The Adapter Job is imported into the APM Connect Administration Center.

  12. Repeat steps 2 through 11 for every job.


Each Job is automatically categorized into the correct project.