Install Command-Line Syntax

Command-line Syntax

install.exe <argument>=<value> [-q] [-quiet] [-s] [-silent] [-passive]


RootDriveThe drive letter where the Historian Server binary files will be installed.
DataPathThe disk path where the Historian data files will be stored.
HistAdministratorPasswordThe password for the built-in admin account.
ActiveUaaBaseUrlThe URL to be used to connect to UAA to allow web-based clients to access Historian.

Output Template Flags and Arguments

The /t flag directs the install to generate a template/answer file. This is a human-readable XML file with the desired configuration options. It is populated with user information. The file is always placed in the temp directory, defined by the %temp% environment variable.

The TemplateOutputDirectory argument is optional. If it is used, then the file is also deposited at the specified location, in addition to the temp directory.

The template file is named template_Historian.xml.

/t TemplateOutputDirectory=<template-output-file-location>

Input Template Flags and Arguments

The /c flag directs the install to consume a template/answer file at the specified location. This is a human-readable XML file with the desired configuration options. It is populated with user information.

Command-line parameters always supersede or override template-provided parameters.

/c TemplateInputFile=<template-input-file-location>

Silent and Passive Flags

-q, -quiet, -s, -silent
Using either of these flags directs the install to progress silently, with no UI whatsoever.
This flag directs the install to show progress via the UI and then disappear upon install completion, regardless of whether the install has succeeded or failed.