Installing Web-based Clients using the Command Line

You can make a silent web-based clients installation using the command line.

install.exe -s PublicPort=443 UAAHttpPort=9480 UAADatabasePort=9432 HistorianHttpPort=8070 HistorianDatabasePort=8432 UseExternalUaa=1 AdminClientId=admin AdminClientSecret=<password> ActiveUaaBaseUrl=https://<uaaservermachinename>:443 UAAAdminClientSecret=<password> DataPath="C:\ProgramData\HistorianWebBasedClientsLogs" DestinationHistorian=<machine name>

If you want to continue with default values, run the following command. Remaining arguments will have default values.

install.exe -s AdminClientSecret=<password>

In this case, Web-based Clients are installed pointing to local UAA and local Historian Server.