Start the eDNA Data Extraction
Before you begin
- Configure the Historian ETL eDNA Extract settings.
- If the machine on which you want to extract the data is different from the eDNA sever, access the hosts file located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, and add the host name and IP address of the eDNA server in the following format:
For example: 100.300.50.7 dna_svcdir_01<IP address> <eDNA service directory name>
Run the HistorianETLeDNAExtractConfigTool file located in
the <installation drive>\Program Files\GE
Digital\Historian ETL eDNA Extract folder.
Tip: You can also enter ETL Historian eDNA Extract in the Windows Start menu.The Historian ETL eDNA Extract Configuration window appears.
Select Start Service.
Data extraction from the eDNA server begins.Tip: If the tool does not start as expected, access the logs using Windows Event Viewer.