Create and Delete Enumerated Data Sets

About this task

An enumerated set provides an enhanced way of displaying data. It enables you to retrieve numeric data as string state values. You can use the string values in reports, charts, etc.
An enumerated set contains several states with a set of numeric values and their corresponding string values. You can define an enumerated set for a single value or a range of values.
Table 1. Example of a Single-Value Enumerated Set
State Name State Value
Manual 0
Automatic 1
Table 2. Example of a Range-of-Values Enumerated Set:
State Name State Value
ON 0 to 100
OFF 101 to 200
Note: You cannot assign an enumerated set to an array tag.


  1. To create a Set:
    1. In the Tag Maintenance page, select Tags > Define Enumerated Set.
      The Define Enumerated Set window appears.
    2. Select Create New Set button or right-select in the Set list box and select Create New Set.
      The Set Information section is enabled.
    3. In the Set Name field, enter the name of the set.
    4. In the Description field, enter the description for the set.
    5. Select Single Value or Range as the desired enumeration method. The options in the State section change according to the selection made.
      Select the Single Value option to define a single value for the State. Single value is best used with integer values because they match exactly. Select the Range option to define a range of values for the State. Range value can be used with floating point values because they may not match exactly due to rounding.
    6. Select New State and add a new state.
    7. Select Save Set.
      The following message appears indicating that the save was successful: Your set has been successfully saved to the Data Archiver.
  2. To delete a Set:
    1. Right-select the set you wish to delete and select Delete Selected Set.
  3. To modify a Set:
    1. Select the set that you wish to modify.
    2. Change values as desired.
      You can modify a set's Description and States. You cannot modify the Name of a set. If you do so, the existing name will be overwritten and it is considered a new set.
    3. Select Save Set.