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You may want to reuse an existing archive configuration file (*.ihc) when a Historian installation uses the same archive configuration as another Historian installation or when renaming a machine and reusing the original .ihc file.
Retrieve a copy of the <oldmachinename>_CentralConfig.ihc file from the old machine. By default, this is located at C:\Proficy Historian Data\Archives
On the new machine, select and stop the following services: Historian Client Manager, Historian Configuration Manager, Historian Data Archiver, and Historian Diagnostics Manager.
Stop services using the Services application, which is part of the Windows Administrative Tools.
Copy the <oldmachinename>_CentralConfig.ihc file into the local folder on the new machine where the .ihc files reside.
Look for a file in that folder on the new machine named <newmachinename>_CentralConfig.ihc If there is a file with that name, delete it.
Rename the copied .ihc file on the new machine to <newmachinename>_CentralConfig.ihc.
Run a command prompt with "Run as Administrator".
Go to C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy Historian\x64\Server and run the following command: ihConfigManager_x64.exe RenameDHSNode <oldmachinename><newmachinename>