Downloading and Running Predix Edge Technician Console

About this task

Predix Edge Technician Console is bundled with Predix Edge and requires Predix Edge to run.


  1. Install Predix Edge for your operating system.
  2. SSH into to the Predix Edge image and sign into Predix Edge using the default credentials:
    • user: root
    • password: root
  3. To access Predix Edge Technician Console, find the assigned IP address of Predix Edge. If you are using the Developer image of Predix Edge, enter the following command:
    ifconfig | grep inet
    The IP address is displayed in the inet addr field in the "enp" section.

    If you are using the Production image of Predix Edge, SSH is disabled, so you cannot access Predix Edge internally. To find the assigned DCHP address, you can use nmap to scan the IP range of the gateway to see what IP address is assigned to Predix Edge. To do this:

    1. Download nmap from and install it on the host machine.
    2. Enter the following command:
      nmap ip_address_of_gateway/24
      For example:
      This scans all IP addresses on the subnet (0 to 255 on the last digit).

      On VMWare Fusion, if you select Share with my Mac, the IP address of the gateway is the inet address of the vmnet8 device.

      Note: If you created a custom network, use that device instead.

      On ESXi server, use the server address.