Edge Alerts JSON Requirements

There are specific JSON requirements for the edge alerts file.

The edge alerts file must have a .json extension and must be dropped in the external location you specify. The default location is <PREDIX_MACHINE_ROOT>/appdata/devicedetail/edgealerts.

JSON requirements for the edge alerts file include the following:
  • Edge Manager uses alertType, sourceType, and source as keys. When multiple alerts have the same values for these three fields, only the latest is displayed in the Edge Manager UI.
  • The timestamp field must be in RFC3399 format and default to the epoch time if not specified.

The following example is for reference only. See Device Details Protobuf Definitions for the data structure definitions.

The following is an example of an edge alerts JSON file:
  "edgeAlert": [{
    "alertType": "SIM_USAGE",
    "deviceId": "device1",
    "sourceType": "ALERT_SOURCE_SIM",
    "source": "8991101200003111111",
    "severity": "ALERT_SEVERITY_ERROR",
    "timestamp": "2017-02-09T02:47:57.178Z",
    "description": "SIM usage exceeded 100% of usage plan",
    "status": "ALERT_STATUS_OPEN"
  }, {
    "alertType": "CELLULAR_STRENGTH",
    "deviceId": "device2",
    "sourceType": "ALERT_SOURCE_DEVICE",
    "source": "Device12345",
    "severity": "ALERT_SEVERITY_WARNING",
    "timestamp": "2017-02-09T02:47:57.181Z",
    "description": "Cellular signal weak",