OPC-UA Sink Flat

Table 1.

The OPC-UA Sink Flat adapter block is used to write data to a number of OPC-UA Variable nodes. It expects input data to be in the flat JSON format.

The following table details the fields of this block's config object. For details on what any common fields mean, see Configuration Properties for OPC-UA Protocol Adapter.

Table 2.
The data_map field is an object of the form:
    "node_id_1": {
        "type": "<type>",
        "aliases": ["alias1.1", "alias1.2"]
    "node_id_2": {
        "type": "<type>",
        "aliases": ["alias2"]

The node_id_* field names should correspond to the Node IDs of the OPC-UA nodes and should be in [OPC-UA XML notation] format.

The value of the type field should be one of the data types supported by flat JSON (listed in Details of Capabilities), except for the datetime type.

The value of the aliases field is an array of keys into the data field of the input flat JSON. This field is how the block knows which datapoints in the input data are to be sent to which OPC-UA node.

Example Config Block

"opcua_sink": {
    "type": "opcuasinkflat",
    "config": {
        "transport_addr": "opc-tcp://<OPCUA_HOST>:<OPCUA_PORT>",
        "log_level": "debug",
        "data_map": {
            "ns=5;Counter1": {
                "type": "int32",
                "aliases": [