Time Series MQTT Subscriptions

This block is capable of subscribing to multiple MQTT topics rather than just one at a time. The data from all topics specified in a single Time Series Publisher block will all be forwarded to that block's configured Predix Time Series endpoint.

Note: The Time Series Publisher block does NOT currently support wildcard MQTT subscriptions (e.g., data/#). Any wildcard subscriptions will not be properly forwarded to Predix Time Series.
This block also supports an optional, configurable quality of service and client ID for its MQTT subscriptions.
Note: One big difference between this block and its timeseriessink predecessor in the old Time Series Cloud Gateway is that this block directly subscribes to MQTT topics. The cdpin block should NOT be used in this Cloud Gateway to create MQTT subscriptions.
Note: Any data received from MQTT subscriptions must already match the Predix Time Series data format shown in the Data Ingestion Request example. If data is not properly formatted, the Cloud Gateway will throw that data out.