Dynamic Mode Imports

Dynamic mode import lets you import point information without shutting down and restarting a project. In dynamic mode import, small batches of changes are propagated through the system.

The import process occurs in the following three stages:
  1. Stage 1: Changes are written to the master folder.
  2. Stage 2: ptx_rp.exe is notified about the items and opens the necessary files in the data folder, keeping them open during write operations until this stage is complete. Afterward, ptx_rp.exe closes the configuration files.
  3. Stage 3: Other processes are notified about the changes. The point manager opens the files for read-only access at the beginning of the batch and closes them at the end. Other processes open and close files for each item they are notified about.
Note: It is recommended to use smaller batch sizes as larger batch sizes can keep files open for longer periods, potentially interrupting other files usage.

You can control the size of batches used for dynamic configuration using the CLIE_DYNCFG_BATCH_SIZE global parameter.

To import in dynamic mode, you must use the command line option –y as described in the following example:

clie import myfile.csv -y

The CIMPLICITY Login dialog box will ask you to log into the project if you have not done so.

If you attempt a dynamic import while the project is not running, the import will continue in static mode and display the following warning message:

Project must be running to use dynamic configuration.

To stop the Clie import process for any reason, you can press CTRL+C. Clie will stop at the closest safe point available.
Note: It is important to note that dynamic notifications of imported points cannot be stopped within a batch. Clie can only be safely stopped at batch boundaries, so there might be a significant delay if Clie is in the process of notifying a batch of changes.