AppSize (statement)

Syntax AppSize width,height [,name$]
Description Sets the width and height of the named application.
Comments The AppSize statement takes the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Width, height Integer coordinates specifying the new size of the application.
Name$ String containing the name of the application to resize. If this parameter is omitted, then the active application is used.
Example This example enlarges the active application by 10 pixels in both the vertical and horizontal directions.
Sub Main()
  Dim w%,h%
  AppGetPosition 0,0,w%,h%             'Get current width/height.
  x% = x% + Screen.TwipsPerPixelX * 10 'Add 10 pixels.
  y% = y% + Screen.TwipsPerPixelY * 10 'Add 10 pixels.
  AppSize w%,h%                    'Change to new size.
End Sub
See Also AppMaximize (statement); AppMinimize (statement); AppRestore (statement); AppMove (statement); AppClose (statement).
Note The width and height parameters are specified in twips. This statement will only work if the named application is restored (i.e., not minimized or maximized). The name$ parameter is the exact string appearing in the title bar of the named application's main window. If no application is found whose title exactly matches name$, then a second search is performed for applications whose title string begins with name$. If more than one application is found that matches name$, then the first application encountered is used. A runtime error results if the application being resized is not enabled, which is the case if that application is displaying a modal dialog box when an AppSize statement is executed.