And (operator)

Syntax expression1 And expression2
Description Performs a logical or binary conjunction on two expressions.
Comments If both expressions are either Boolean, Boolean variants, or Null variants, then a logical conjunction is performed as follows:
If the first expression is and the second expression is then the result is
True True True
True False False
True Null Null
False True False
False False False
False Null Null
Null True Null
Null False False
Null Null Null
Binary Conjunction If the two expressions are Integer, then a binary conjunction is performed, returning an Integer result. All other numeric types (including Empty variants) are converted to Long, and a binary conjunction is then performed, returning a Long result. Binary conjunction forms a new value based on a bit-by-bit comparison of the binary representations of the two expressions according to the following table:
1 And 1 = 1 Example:
0 And 1 = 0 5  00001001
1 And 0 = 0 6  00001010
0 And 0 = 0 And  00001000
Sub Main()
  n1 = 1001
   n2 = 1000
  b1 = True
  b2 = False
  'This example performs a numeric bitwise And operation and stores
  'the result in N3.
  n3 = n1 And n2
'This example performs a logical And comparing b1 and b2 and displays
'the result.
  If b1 And b2 Then
    MsgBox "b1 And b2 are True; n3 is: " & n3
    MsgBox "b1 And b2 are False; n3 is: " & n3
  End If
End Sub
See Also Operator Precedence (topic); Or (operator); Xor (operator);  Eqv);(operator); (operator).