ERP Export Service Tables

The ERP Export service publishes messages in a JSON and/or B2MML format to the following tables:
Events Table
  • mes.erp.outbound.messages.ClockOffEvent
  • mes.erp.outbound.messages.ClockOnEvent
  • mes.erp.outbound.messages.MaterialLotStatusChangedEvent (event generated when a serial/lot is scrapped, a receiver is completed, or a non-conformance is raised for a material/lot in a receiver)
  • mes.erp.outbound.messages.OperationCompletedEvent
  • mes.route.releasedRoutes.RouteReleasedEvent

The table contains the following columns:

Id The ID of the message.
Event_Type The type of the event.
MessageThe body of the message.
Inserted_By The user or the system that sent the message.
Inserted_Date The date on which the message was initiated.
Message_Type The format of the message (application/xml or application/JSON).