Vault Services Usage

Ways of Using the Vault Service

You can use Vault service in multiple ways depending on your use case. Vault service provides a complete set of REST API to use the service through you application. You can also use Vault command-line interface (CLI). Additionally Predix platform provides Vault dashboard to use graphical user interface to use the Vault service.

The Vault CLI is a command line application. To view a list of the available commands at any time, you can run Vault with no arguments. To get help for any specific subcommand, run the subcommand with the -h argument. For more information, see Vault Commands.

Vault REST APIs give you the flexibility of using Vault service through your applications. The following topics describe using Vault APIs to perform various tasks in Vault service:

Vault dashboard provide a user interface for working with Vault service. The following topic describes the tasks performed using Vault dashboard: