Data Encryption

About Data Encryption

You can use Vault service for encryption and decryption of data used or generated by applications.

Application developers can use Vault to encrypt and store data in a primary data store and do not need to develop additional functionality for encryption and decryption of their data. Vault service generates logs for every encryption and decryption event. Therefore all data encryption and decryption activity is recorded.

You can use Vault service API to perform the following tasks:

APIs: Data Encryption

You can use APIs to use the data encryption feature of Vault service.

Creating New Encryption Key


Creates a new named encryption key of the specified type. The values set here cannot be changed after key creation.

  • type (required)
    Specifies the type of key to create. You can create the following types of keys:
    • aes256-gcm96

      This is a AES-256 key wrapped with GCM using a 12-byte nonce size (symmetric). This is the default type.

    • ecdsa-p256

      This is a ECDSA key using the P-256 elliptic curve (asymmetric).

  • derived (optional)

    Set it to true to indicate that the key derivation must be used for encryption or decryption. If you use this parameter, you must provide a context that is used for key derivation in all encrypt or decrypt requests to this named key. By default, it is set to false.

  • convergent_encryption (optional)

    Set it to true for the key to support convergent encryption. In convergent encryption, the plain text creates the same cipher text. This parameter requires the derived parameter to be set to true. When enabled, each encryption, decryption, rewrap, or datakey operation derives a nonce value instead of a random value. The key space for the nonce value is 96 bit. The default value is false.

    Note: For complete security, you must generate unique nonce values with a given context
  • exportable (optional)

    Set it to true to indicate that the key is exportable. This option is required only when you need to export out the value of the key. For more information, see vault-service-data-encryption.html#reference_36decd1d-6189-41a6-81d6-31b68f01f4a5__retrieving_specific_type_of_key. The default value is false.

HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>
ReturnsA 204 response code.

Retrieving Information of an Encryption Key

DescriptionReturns information about a specified encryption key. In the returned value, the keys object shows the creation time of each key version. The returned values are not the keys themselves. The returned information varies by the type of key. For example, an asymmetric key returns its public key in a standard format for the type.
HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>

Retrieving a List of Keys

DescriptionReturns a list of names of the keys.
URL/encryption/keys (LIST) or /encryption/keys?list=true (GET)
HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>

Deleting a Specified Encryption Key

DescriptionDeletes a specified encryption key. After this operation, the key cannot be used to decrypt any data encrypted using this key.
Note: You must set the deletion_allowed parameter in the /config endpoint of the key.
HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>
ReturnsA 204 response code.

Configuring a Specified Key

DescriptionSpecify configuration values for a specified key. The configuration values are used during a read operation on the specified key.
  • min_decryption_version (optional)
    Specify the minimum version of ciphertext allowed to be decrypted. This value can be used for the following:
    • As part of a key rotation policy to prevent decryption of the old copies of ciphertext.
    • For key signatures to control the minimum version of signature used for key verification.
    • For keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) to control the minimum version of a key allowed to be used as the key for the HMAC function.
    The default value is 0.
  • deletion_allowed (optional)

    Set to true to allow the key to be deleted. The default value is false.

HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>
ReturnsA 204 response code.

Rotating a Specified Version of the Key

DescriptionRotates the version of the specified key. When you rotate a key, any new plaintext request is encrypted with the new version of the key. This parameter is only supported with keys that supports encryption and decryption operations.
Note: To upgrade ciphertext to be encrypted with the latest version of the key, use the rewrap endpoint. See vault-service-data-encryption.html#reference_36decd1d-6189-41a6-81d6-31b68f01f4a5__rewraping_specified_ciphertext.
HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>
ReturnsA 204 response code.

Retrieving a Specific Type of Key




DescriptionReturns the specified key. The key object shows the value of the key for each version. To retrieve a specific version, use the version option. To retrieve the current key, use the latest option. Depending on the type of key, different information may be returned. To support this operation, the key must be created with the exportable parameter and must have a valid version.
HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>

Encrypting Plain Text

DescriptionEncrypts the specified plaintext using the specified key. This operation only supports symmetric keys (aes256-gcm96).
  • plaintext (required)

    Specify the base64-encoded plain-text value that you need to encrypt.

  • context (optional)

    Specify the base64-encoded context for deriving the key. This parameter is required if you set the convergent_encryption parameter to true while generating a new key.

  • nonce (optional)

    Specify the base64-encoded nonce value. The value must be exactly 96 bits (12 bytes) long.

    Note: You must never reuse a nonce value or the generated encryption key for any given context.
  • batch_input (optional)

    Specify a list of items to be encrypted in a single batch. If this parameter is set, the parameters plaintext, context and nonce are ignored.

    Use the following format for the input:

  • convergent_encryption (optional)

    Set it to true for the generated key to support convergent encryption. In convergent encryption, the plain text creates the same cipher text. This parameter is used only when the specified key does not exist and a new key is created. If a new key is generated, it is created with key derivation enabled and will require all requests to carry both a context and 96-bit (12-byte) nonce. When enabled, each encryption operation derives a nonce value instead of a random value. Therefore when the same context and nonce are supplied, the same ciphertext is generated.

    Note: For complete security, you must generate unique nonce values with a given context
HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>

Decrypting the Specified Ciphertext

DescriptionDecrypts the specified ciphertext using the specified key. This operation only supports symmetric keys (aes256-gcm96).
  • ciphertext (required)

    Specify the encrypted ciphertext that you need to decrypt.

  • context (optional)

    Specify the base64-encoded context for deriving the key. This parameter is required if you set the convergent_encryption parameter to true while generating a new key.

  • nonce (optional)

    Specify the base64-encoded nonce value that you specified during encryption.

  • batch_input (optional)

    Specify a list of items to be decrypted in a single batch. If this parameter is set, the parameters ciphertext, context and nonce are ignored.

    Use the following format for the input:

HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>

Rewraping the Specified Ciphertext

DescriptionRewrap the specified ciphertext using the latest version of the specified key. This parameter does not return plain-text. Therefore you can use this API with untrusted users or scripts.
  • ciphertext (required)

    Specify the encrypted ciphertext that you need to rewrap.

  • context (optional)

    Specify the base64-encoded context for deriving the key. This parameter is required if you set the convergent_encryption parameter to true while generating a new key.

  • nonce (optional)

    Specify the base64-encoded nonce value that you specified during encryption.

  • batch_input (optional)

    Specify a list of items to be rewrapped in a single batch. If this parameter is set, the parameters ciphertext, context and nonce are ignored.

    Use the following format for the input:

HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>

Generating a New High-Entropy Key

DescriptionGenerate a new high-entropy key and the value encrypted with the specified key. Optionally, you can return the plain-text of the key as well.
  • plaintext|wrapped (path parameter) (required)

    If you specify plaintext, the plain-text key is returned along with the ciphertext. If you specify wrapped, only the ciphertext value is returned.

  • context (optional)

    Specify the base64-encoded context for deriving the key. This parameter is required if you set the convergent_encryption parameter to true while generating a new key.

  • nonce (optional)

    Specify the base64-encoded nonce value. The value must be exactly 96 bits (12 bytes) long.

    Note: You must never reuse a nonce value or the generated encryption key for any given context.
  • bits (optional)

    Specify the number of bits in the requested key. You can specify 128, 256, or 512. The default value is 256.

HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>

Generating Random Bytes

DescriptionGenerates an string of high-quality random bytes of specified length that can be used for cryptographic encryption.
  • bytes (optional)

    Specify the number of bytes to return. The default value is 32 (256 bits). You can specify this value either in the request body, or as a part of the URL. The URL format is as follows:


  • format (optional)

    Specify the encoding for the output value. You can specify either hex or base64. The default value is base64.

HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>

Generating Hash of a Specified Data

DescriptionGenerates the hash of given data using the specified algorithm.
  • input (required)

    Specify the base64-encoded input data.

  • algorithm (optional)
    Specify the hash algorithm to use. You can specify this value either in the request body, or as a part of the URL. The URL value takes precedence if both are set. You can specify the following algorithms:
    • sha2-224
    • sha2-256
    • sha2-384
    • sha2-512
    The default value is sha2-256.
  • format (optional)

    Specify the encoding of the output value. You can specify either hex or base64. The default value is hex.

HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>

Generating the Digest of the Data

DescriptionGenerates the digest of the given data using the specified hash algorithm and the specified key. The key can be of the type that is supported by the encryption API. A raw key is marshalled into bytes to be used for the HMAC function. If the key is of a type that supports rotation, the latest (current) version of the key is used.
  • input (required)

    Specify the base64-encoded input data.

  • algorithm (optional)
    Specify the hash algorithm to use. You can specify this value either in the request body, or as a part of the URL. The URL value takes precedence if both are set. You can specify the following algorithms:
    • sha2-224
    • sha2-256
    • sha2-384
    • sha2-512
    The default value is sha2-256.
  • format (optional)

    Specify the encoding of the output value. You can specify either hex or base64. The default value is hex.

HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>

Generating the Cryptographic Signature of the Specified Data

DescriptionGenerates the cryptographic signature of the given data using the specified key and the specified hash algorithm. The key must be of a type that supports key signing.
  • input (required)

    Specify the base64-encoded input data.

  • algorithm (optional)
    Specify the hash algorithm to use. You can specify this value either in the request body, or as a part of the URL. The URL value takes precedence if both are set. You can specify the following algorithms:
    • sha2-224
    • sha2-256
    • sha2-384
    • sha2-512
    The default value is sha2-256.
HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>

Validating a Signature

DescriptionValidates the provided signature for the given data.
  • input (required)

    Specify the base64-encoded input data.

  • signature (required)

    Specify the signature output from the /transit/sign. You must specify either this parameter or the hmac parameter.

  • hmac (required)

    Specify the signature output from the /encryption/hmac function. Either this must be supplied or signature must be supplied.

  • algorithm (optional)
    Specify the hash algorithm to use. You can specify this value either in the request body, or as a part of the URL. The URL value takes precedence if both are set. You can specify the following algorithms:
    • sha2-224
    • sha2-256
    • sha2-384
    • sha2-512
    The default value is sha2-256.
HeaderX-Vault-Token: <token>