Sample Asset Service API Requests

Sample Asset Service API Requests

Use the Asset service APIs to retrieve and manipulate resources like assets, classifications, and custom domain objects.

To run the sample requests, use the asset-service-asset-model.html#reference_99274c09-7d07-40fe-95a7-3219cd905ca1 within a POST method. See asset-service-set-started.html#task_24953dd7-22e0-421c-8f7c-cb65f423c3e0.

The samples on this page abbreviate the base URL for the host that processes Asset service API requests. You need to include the full URI of your Asset service instance, from the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable, in your requests.

Pagination Requests

Use the pageSize parameter to indicate the number of entities to be returned per page. The default value is 100. The maximum pageSize is 1000.

For example, this request returns four locomotive objects:


The response headers contain a link to the next page of locomotive objects. Copy and paste the link in a GET request to display the next page.

Figure: Link in Response Headers

Partial Response Requests

Example API requests and responses for Predix Asset service.

You can submit an API request in which you specify the fields that will be included in the API response. Use the field clause in a request method to retrieve selected fields of a large object or a collection of large objects. For example, to retrieve a few attributes from an asset with many attributes, indicate your selected fields in the field clause.

Get all fields of an object



        "uri": "/locomotives/1",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "001",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-1",
        "installedOn": "01/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-01T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 33.914605,
            "lng": -117.253374

Get selected fields of an object



        "uri": "/locomotives/1",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE"

Get selected fields of a collection of objects



Note: The actual results are much larger than this example response.
        "uri": "/locomotives/1",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE"
        "uri": "/locomotives/10",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/electro-motive-diesel"
        "uri": "/locomotives/11",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE"
        "uri": "/locomotives/12",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/electro-motive-diesel"
    ... SNIP

EQUALS (=) Operator Requests


The EQUALS operator returns any objects that match the specified value.



        "uri": "/locomotives/84",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "3GS21B",
        "serial_no": "0084",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/cn-4",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/national-railway-equipment",
        "engine": "/engines/QSK19-26",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 49.296307,
            "lng": -118.827314

EQUALS (=) combined with AND (:)

Read the colon character “:” as AND. The ampersand “&” is a reserved character in URLs.



        "uri": "/locomotives/15",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "SD70ACe",
        "serial_no": "0015",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-5",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/electro-motive-diesel",
        "engine": "/engines/v16-2-8",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 45.314087,
            "lng": -90.969283

EQUALS (=) combined with OR (|)

Read the pipe | as OR.



        "uri": "/locomotives/10",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "SD70ACe",
        "serial_no": "0010",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-4",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/electro-motive-diesel",
        "engine": "/engines/v16-2-5",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 47.941049,
            "lng": -100.126484
        "uri": "/locomotives/37",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "0037",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/csx-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-15",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 43.488604,
            "lng": -116.913932
        "uri": "/locomotives/38",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "GL23TCe",
        "serial_no": "0038",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/csx-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/electro-motive-diesel",
        "engine": "/engines/v16-2-9",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 40.26462,
            "lng": -74.496063
        "uri": "/locomotives/39",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "0039",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/csx-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-16",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 43.650927,
            "lng": -74.570743

Data Validation Requests

Example schema updates for Predix Asset domain objects.

Use these examples as guidelines to define your own schema updates. Data uploaded to your domain is validated against the schema you have in place at the time of the upload. If you add properties to an existing schema or replace an existing schema, you should update your data to comply with the new schema; Queries can fail

Successful Schema PUT Request

PUT Request:<asset-url>/system/schema/entities/assets

Request Body:

    "type" :       "object",
    "properties" : {  "uri" : { "type" :"string" }, "name" : { "type" : "string" }},
    "required" :   [ "uri", "name"]

PUT Request to Add New Properties to an Existing Schema

Existing Schema:

   "type": "object",
   "uri": {
    "type": "string"
   "name": {
    "type": "string"
Use a PUT request to add properties to the schema. This example shows adding a "description" property to the existing schema.

   "type": "object",
   "uri": {
    "type": "string"
   "name": {
    "type": "string"
   "description": {
   "type": "string"
You cannot remove or change a property from an existing schema. You must delete the existing schema and upload a new one. This attempt to remove a property definition returns an error.

   "type": "object",
   "uri": {
    "type": "string"
   "name": {
    "type": "string"


   "message":"Provided schema cannot remove existing schema property",
   "suggestion":"Property 'description' cannot be removed",

Sample Audit History API Requests

Use the Asset audit history service APIs to retrieve historical information about your assets.

To run the sample requests, use the asset-service-asset-model.html#reference_99274c09-7d07-40fe-95a7-3219cd905ca1 within a POST method. See asset-service-set-started.html#task_24953dd7-22e0-421c-8f7c-cb65f423c3e0.

The samples on this page abbreviate the base URL for the host that processes Asset service API requests. You need to include the full URI of your Asset service instance, from the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable, in your requests.

PATCH Requests

Predix Asset API PATCH request method description and examples. Update properties of a resource using the PATCH request method.

Use the PATCH method to replace, add, modify, or copy values in an existing asset record. Predix Asset Supports the entire RFC that defines the PATCH API method. For more details about PATCH, refer to the RFC5789 at

Example Asset Model

  uri: '/assets/patchJson',
  A1: 'A',
  A2: 'B',
  A3: 'C'

PATCH Request to Replace an Existing Value in the Asset Record

PATCH request: /assets/patchJson with body: [{“op": “replace=", “path": “/A1", value: “X”}]


    uri: '/assets/patchJson',
    A1:  'X',
    A2: 'B',
    A3: 'C'

PATCH Request to Remove a Value from an Asset Record

PATCH request: /assets/patchJson with body:

[{“op": "remove", “path": "/A1"}]


   A2 'B',
   A3: 'C'

PATCH Request to Add a Value to an Asset Record

PATCH request:
    "op": "add", 
    "value": "D"

    uri: '/assets/patchjson',
    A1: 'A',
    A2: 'B',
    A3: 'C',
    A4: 'D'

PATCH Request to Copy A Value

PATCH Request:


    uri: '/assets/patchjson',
    A1: "A",
    A2: "C",
    A3: "C"

PATCH Request to Move a Value

PATCH Request:

   "from": "/A1",
   "path": "/A2"

    uri: '/assets/patchjson',
    A2: 'A',
    A3: 'C'

RANGE (..) Operator Requests

Read two periods (..) as a range between two numbers, two dates, or two strings.

RANGE (..) between Two Numbers



        "uri": "/locomotives/1",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "001",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-1",
        "installedOn": "01/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-01T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 33.914605,
            "lng": -117.253374
        "uri": "/locomotives/2",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "SD70ACe",
        "serial_no": "002",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/electro-motive-diesel",
        "engine": "/engines/v16-2-1",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 47.655492,
            "lng": -117.427025
        "uri": "/locomotives/3",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "003",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-2",
        "installedOn": "02/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-02T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 46.860395,
            "lng": -109.473494
        "uri": "/locomotives/4",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "AD40SPe",
        "serial_no": "004",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-2",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/electro-motive-diesel",
        "engine": "/engines/v16-2-2",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 45.784314,
            "lng": -108.500856

RANGE (..) between Two Strings



        "uri": "/locomotives/1",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "001",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-1",
        "installedOn": "01/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-01T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 33.914605,
            "lng": -117.253374
        "uri": "/locomotives/11",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "0011",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-4",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-6",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 32.7086,
            "lng": -108.190375
        "uri": "/locomotives/14",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "0014",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-5",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-7",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 35.931077,
            "lng": -79.643374
        "uri": "/locomotives/3",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "003",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-2",
        "installedOn": "02/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-02T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 46.860395,
            "lng": -109.473494
        "uri": "/locomotives/37",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "0037",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/csx-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-15",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 43.488604,
            "lng": -116.913932
        "uri": "/locomotives/39",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "0039",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/csx-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-16",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 43.650927,
            "lng": -74.570743
        "uri": "/locomotives/41",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "0041",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/csx-2",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-17",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 45.40759,
            "lng": -103.471649
        "uri": "/locomotives/43",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "0043",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/csx-2",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-18",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 39.173252,
            "lng": -90.552123
        "uri": "/locomotives/45",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "0045",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/csx-3",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-19",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 41.394707,
            "lng": -119.079633
        "uri": "/locomotives/5",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "005",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-2",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-3",
        "installedOn": "10/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-10T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 35.022757,
            "lng": -83.009365
        "uri": "/locomotives/7",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "007",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-3",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-4",
        "installedOn": "12/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-12T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 36.739438,
            "lng": -79.66268
        "uri": "/locomotives/9",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "009",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-3",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-5",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 36.669408,
            "lng": -115.617391

About Date RANGE (..) Queries

If you select a range between dates that are stored in any other format except ISO, the dates are compared as strings. Compare the following two query result sets. When a date is not in ISO format, the dates are compared as strings, and the results can return dates outside of the intended date range.

Date as String RANGE query



        "uri": "/locomotives/1",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "001",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-1",
        "installedOn": "01/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-01T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 33.914605,
            "lng": -117.253374
        "uri": "/locomotives/3",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "003",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-2",
        "installedOn": "02/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-02T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 46.860395,
            "lng": -109.473494
        "uri": "/locomotives/5",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "005",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-2",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-3",
        "installedOn": "10/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-10T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 35.022757,
            "lng": -83.009365
        "uri": "/locomotives/87",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "3GS21B-87",
        "serial_no": "0087",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/cn-4",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/national-railway-equipment",
        "engine": "/engines/QSK19-26",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 49.296307,
            "lng": -118.827314
        "parent": "/locomotives/86",
        "installedOn": "05/12/2014",
        "dateIso": "2014-12-05T13:15:31Z"
        "uri": "/locomotives/89",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "3GS21B-89",
        "serial_no": "0086",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/cn-4",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/national-railway-equipment",
        "engine": "/engines/QSK19-28",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 46.244201,
            "lng": -73.666786
        "parent": "/locomotives/88",
        "installedOn": "05/12/2015",
        "dateIso": "2015-12-05T13:15:31Z"

Date in ISO date format RANGE Query

Use the backslash “\” to escape colons in an ISO date.<asset-app-url>locomotive?filter=dateIso=2005-12-01T13\:15\:31Z..2005-12-10T13\:15\:31Z


        "uri": "/locomotives/1",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "001",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-1",
        "installedOn": "01/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-01T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 33.914605,
            "lng": -117.253374
        "uri": "/locomotives/3",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "003",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-2",
        "installedOn": "02/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-02T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 46.860395,
            "lng": -109.473494
        "uri": "/locomotives/5",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "005",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-2",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-3",
        "installedOn": "10/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-10T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 35.022757,
            "lng": -83.009365

RELATE (”>” and “<”) Operators Requests

Use forward and backward requests to query relationships of objects stored in your asset model. There are two ways to traverse relationships:
  • A forward-relate request uses the “>” operator and traverses in the direction of the relationship.
  • A backward-relate request uses the “<” operator and traverses in the opposite direction of the relationship.


Retrieves all engines linked to locomotives of type Diesel-electric.



Note: The actual results are much larger than this example response.
        "uri": "/engines/645",
        "type": "7FDL",
        "horsepower": "1500",
        "stroke": "190",
        "bore": "230",
        "RPM": "900",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/electro-motive-diesel"
        "uri": "/engines/QSK19-1",
        "type": "Diesel",
        "horsepower": "2100",
        "stroke": "159",
        "bore": "159",
        "RPM": "800",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/cummins"
        "uri": "/engines/QSK19-10",
        "type": "Diesel",
        "horsepower": "2100",
        "stroke": "159",
        "bore": "159",
        "RPM": "800",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/cummins"
        "uri": "/engines/QSK19-11",
        "type": "Diesel",
        "horsepower": "2100",
        "stroke": "159",
        "bore": "159",
        "RPM": "800",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/cummins"
    ... SNIP


Retrieves all locomotives with a given manufacturer.

<asset-app-url>/locomotives?filter=(name=General Electric Transportation)<manufacturers


Note: The actual results are much larger than this example response.
        "uri": "/locomotives/1",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "001",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-1",
        "installedOn": "01/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-01T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 33.914605,
            "lng": -117.253374
        "uri": "/locomotives/11",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "0011",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-4",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-6",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 32.7086,
            "lng": -108.190375
        "uri": "/locomotives/14",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "0014",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-5",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-7",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 35.931077,
            "lng": -79.643374
        "uri": "/locomotives/16",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "C40-8W ",
        "serial_no": "0016",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/bnsf-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v16-1",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 47.781463,
            "lng": -116.940009
    ... SNIP


Wild Card Search with Regular Expression

This query returns any objects that have an expression matching a pattern of strings in the set.



Note: The actual results are much larger than this example response.
        "uri": "/locomotives/1",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "001",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-1",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-1",
        "installedOn": "01/12/2005",
        "dateIso": "2005-12-01T13:15:31Z",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 33.914605,
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        "uri": "/locomotives/10",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "SD70ACe",
        "serial_no": "0010",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-4",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/electro-motive-diesel",
        "engine": "/engines/v16-2-5",
        "hqLatLng": {
            "lat": 47.941049,
            "lng": -100.126484
        "uri": "/locomotives/11",
        "type": "Diesel-electric",
        "model": "ES44AC",
        "serial_no": "0011",
        "emission_tier": "0+",
        "fleet": "/fleets/up-4",
        "manufacturer": "/manufacturers/GE",
        "engine": "/engines/v12-6",
        "hqLatLng": {
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            "lng": -108.190375