Asset Service Release Notes

Asset Service

Q3 2016 Release

Data Validation
The JSON schemas that define your domain objects also define your data validation rules. After you upload a new or updated schema, Asset service automatically validates any new data ingested against the new schema. Data ingested previously is not validated automatically against the new or updated schema.

See asset-service-using.html#concept_jjv_ycd_yw.

Displaying Time-Based Audit History Data
You can query a particular asset or domain object to see an historical snapshot of the configuration and properties of that asset for a specific point in time. A GET request returns the last recorded state of the asset in the Audit History database prior to the timestamp indicated in the query. History is retained for deleted assets. This feature is useful for configuration management solutions that track the changes made to an asset over its life cycle.

See Using Audit History.

Q2 2016 Release

Audit History
The Asset audit history APIs enable you to update and retrieve historical information about assets stored in your Asset repositories. The audit history infrastructure captures and indexes CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE requests in the audit trail. Asset audit history is disabled by default.

See Using Audit History.

Scripting Engine to Add Business Logic to Asset Queries ( Service Deprecated Q4 2017)
The Predix Asset scripting engine is a service that allows users to bind their custom business logic to the Predix Asset REST API. Developers create scripts containing business logic which enable non-technical business users to define business rules and interact with their Asset repositories. Client applications that bind to the Predix Asset service have access to the scripting engine and may send their requests to either the scripting engine or directly to Predix Asset.

Q4 2017

The Scripting Engine was removed from the Predix Asset.