Manage UOM Conversion Set

About UOM Conversion Set

A UOM Conversion Set is simply a group of UOM conversions. Each Security User will have a UOM Conversion Set associated with it to determine how numeric values will be converted and displayed for that user throughout the Predix Essentials systems. You can manage all the UOM Conversion Sets in your system through the UOM Conversion Set workspace, where you can add, modify, and delete UOM Conversion Sets.

UOM Conversion Sets are useful for customizing the display of numeric values for the users in your system. Any numeric field can have a UOM defined for it to indicate the unit of measure for the stored value.
Note: You can add or modify the UOM only for the new fields. To modify the UOM for an existing field, you will need to delete the field and create a new field.
The base (or stored) UOM, however, may not be appropriate for all users. For instance, some users may prefer to see a value that is stored in inches converted to and displayed as centimeters. Other users might prefer to see the same value converted to millimeters. You can allow for numeric values to be converted to different display values for different users by defining UOM Conversion Sets.

To take advantage of this functionality, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Define the necessary base UOMs. For example, Inches.
  2. For each base UOM, define all required UOM conversions. For example, for Inches, create two UOM conversions, one for Centimeters and one for Millimeters.
  3. For each type of user, create an appropriate UOM Conversion Set. For example, we would create two UOM Conversion Sets.
    • Conversion Set A: From Inches To Centimeters
    • Conversion Set B: From Inches To Millimeters

Access the UOM Conversion Set Section

About This Task

You can manage all the UOM conversion sets in your system on the UOM Conversion Set section, where you can add, modify, and delete UOM conversion sets.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Configuration Manager > Units of Measure and Conversions.
  2. Select UOM Conversion Set.
    The UOM Conversion Set section appears.

Create a UOM Conversion Set

UOM Conversion Sets are useful for customizing the display of numeric values for the users in your system. Any numeric field can have a UOM defined for it to indicate the unit of measure for the stored value. The base (or stored) UOM, however, may not be appropriate for all users. For instance, some users may prefer to see a value that is stored in inches converted to and displayed as centimeters. Other users might prefer to see the same value converted to millimeters. You can allow for numeric values to be converted to different display values for different users by defining UOM Conversion Sets.


  1. Access the UOM Conversion Set section.
  2. Select .
    The New Conversion Set window appears.
  3. In the Conversion Set ID box, enter an ID for the conversion set.
  4. In the Description box, enter a description of the conversion set.
    The description is optional. 
  5. Select OK.
    The new UOM conversion set is created and appears in the UOM Conversion Set workspace.

Add the Contents to a UOM Conversion Set

About This Task

The content of a Conversion Set defines how values stored in one UOM will be converted for display in another UOM when a user uses that Conversion Set. You can modify the content of any user-defined Conversion Set. You cannot modify the content of the baseline Predix Essentials Conversion Set.


  1. Access the UOM Conversion Set section.
  2. Select the conversion set for which you want to add content.
  3. Select Set Content.
    The Conversion in <Label> page appears, where <Label> is the name of the conversion set that you have selected in Step 2.
  4. Select .
    The New Set Content window appears.
  5. To add the conversion list:
    • In the From box, select the UOM that defines the stored values. The available UOMs are those for which the conversions are defined but not selected in the conversion set.
    • In the To box, select the UOM to which values stored in the From UOM will be converted for display. The available options are limited to the UOMs that are defined for the From UOMs.

      For example, if you have defined conversions for Inches to Feet and Inches to Centimeters, when you select Inches in the From column, the To column will list Feet and Centimeters.

  6. Select OK.
    A confirmation message appears, indicating that the new conversion set is added. The new Conversion Set appears in the list on the Conversion in <Label> page.

Delete the Contents of UOM Conversion Set


  1. Access the UOM Conversion Set section.
  2. Select the conversion set, and then select Set Content.
    The Conversion in <Label> page appears, where <Label> is the name of the conversion set that you have selected.
  3. Select the content that you want to delete, and then select .
    The Delete Set Content dialog box appears, asking if you want to delete the set content.
  4. Select OK.
    The set content is deleted and no longer appears in the Conversion in <Label> page.

Modify the UOM Conversion Set

When modify the UOM Conversion Set properties, you can only edit the description of the conversion set.


  1. Access the UOM Conversion Set section.
  2. In the list of conversion sets, select the conversion set that you want to modify.
  3. Select .
    The Update Conversion Set window appears, displaying the current ID and description of the conversion set.
  4. As needed, modify the value in the Description box.
  5. Select OK.
    Your changes are saved.

Delete a UOM Conversion Set


  1. Access the UOM Conversion Set section.
  2. Select the conversion set that you want to delete.
  3. Select .
    The Delete Conversion Set dialog box appears, asking if you want to delete the conversion set.
  4. Select OK.
    The conversion set is deleted.