Data Extraction Jobs

Data Extraction Jobs

Data extractions, also referred to as jobs, are orchestrated through the different adapters. Depending on the type of data (that is, Equipment, Functional Location, Work History) you want to extract, there is a corresponding job. ServiceMax extractions are facilitated by the APM Connect Administration Center and a corresponding context file. The context file contains filter parameters that are applied to each extraction adapter job. The filter parameters define the scope of the data extraction.

Available Adapters

The ServiceMax adapters transfer data between Predix Essentials and ServiceMax.

  • Equipment Adapter: Extracts records that are used to store information about physical pieces of equipment such as pumps, motors, and compressors.
  • Functional Location Adapter: Extracts records that are used to store information about locations in your organization including, but not limited to, the locations at which the physical pieces of equipment are installed.
  • Work History Adapter: Extracts records that are used to store data about work that was performed against your locations and equipment, as well as failures that occurred for those locations and equipment. Additionally, it allows you to transfer Notifications from ServiceMax to Predix Essentials.
  • Notification Management Adapter: Allows you to transfer Recommendation records from Predix Essentials to ServiceMax in the form of Notifications.

About Extracting Data from ServiceMax

Before extracting data from ServiceMax, you must load enterprise, site, and taxonomy information into the Predix database using the same site name you defined.

The extraction adapters allow you to extract data from your ServiceMax system and import it into your Predix Essentials system. To run an adapter, you must configure the appropriate parameters in the context file. After the context file is configured, you must run the Adapter job in the APM Connect Administration Center, at which point your data is extracted, transformed, and loaded into Predix Essentials.

There are three jobs that can be used to extract data from ServiceMax and load data into Predix Essentials.

  • ServiceMax_Asset: Loads ServiceMax Asset records to Predix Essentials as Equipment records. After importing, this will display as the RUN_EQUIPMENT job.
  • ServiceMax_Location: Loads ServiceMax Location records to Predix Essentials as Functional Location records. After importing, this will display as the RUN_LOCATION job.
  • ServiceMax_WorkHistory: Loads ServiceMax Work Order records, Service Request records, and failure records as Predix Essentials Work History and Work History Detail records. After importing, this will display as the RUN_WORKHISTORY job.
  • ServiceMax_Master_Interface: Can be used as a wrapper job to run all of the extraction jobs simultaneously.

As a Predix Essentials user, after the adapter job runs, you can use standard Predix Essentials tools (for example, the Search tool) to access the records that were created automatically.

Details: Extracting Equipment Data

When the Equipment Adapter job is run, for each asset in the ServiceMax system that meets the criteria defined in context file, a corresponding Equipment record will be created in the Predix Essentials database. In addition, if that ServiceMax asset has a parent asset or location, the Predix Essentials Equipment record will be linked automatically to a parent record belonging to the Equipment family or the Functional Location family, as appropriate.

Note: If an asset is deleted in the ServiceMax system after an Equipment record has already been created for it in the Predix Essentials system, rerunning the Equipment Adapter job will not delete the Predix Essentials Equipment record.

Details: Extracting Functional Location Data

When the Functional Location Adapter job is run, for each location in the ServiceMax system that meets the criteria defined in the context file, a corresponding Functional Location record will be created in the Predix Essentials database. In addition, if that ServiceMax location has a parent asset or location, the Predix Essentials Functional Location record will be linked automatically to a parent record belonging to the Equipment family or the Functional Location family, as appropriate.

Note: If a Location record is deleted in the ServiceMax system after a Functional Location record has already been created for it in the Predix Essentials system, rerunning the Functional Location Extraction Interface will not delete the Predix Essentials Functional Location record.

Details: Extracting Work Orders

When the Work History job is run, for each Work Order in the ServiceMax system that meets the filtering criteria defined in Work History job, a corresponding Work History record will be created in the Predix Essentials database. Each Work History record will be linked to one Equipment or Functional Location record identifying the asset or location against which the ServiceMax Work Order is written.

If the Work Order is written against a location, the Work History record will be linked to a Functional Location record, and the Location ID field in the Work History record will be populated automatically with the Location ID of that ServiceMax location.

If the Work Order is written against an asset, the Work History record will be linked to an Equipment record, and the Equipment ID field in the Work History record will be populated automatically with the Location ID of that ServiceMax asset. In addition, if that ServiceMax asset has a parent location, the Work History record will also be linked to a Functional Location record representing that parent ServiceMax location. The Location ID field in the Work History record will also be populated automatically with the Location ID of that parent ServiceMax location.

Details: Extracting Service Requests

When the Work History job is run, for each Service Request in the ServiceMax system that meets the filtering criteria defined in the Work History job, a corresponding Work History record will be created in the Predix Essentials database. Each Work History record will be linked to one Equipment or Functional Location record identifying the asset or functional location against which the ServiceMax Service Request is written. Specifically:

  • If the Service Request is written against a location, the Work History record will be linked to a Functional Location record, and the Location ID field in the Work History record will be populated automatically with the Location ID of that ServiceMax location.
  • If the Service Request is written against an asset, the Work History record will be linked to an Equipment record, and the Equipment ID field in the Work History record will be populated automatically with the Location ID of that ServiceMax asset. In addition, if that ServiceMax asset has a parent location, the Work History record will also be linked to a Functional Location record representing that parent ServiceMax location. The Location ID field in the Work History record will also be populated automatically with the Location ID of that parent ServiceMax location.

Details: Extracting Work History Details

When the Work History job is run, detailed Work Order and Service Request information is extracted from your ServiceMax system to your Predix Essentials system as Work History Detail records.

Note: If a Work Order does not have any failure information, a Work History Detail record will not be created.

Create ServiceMax Work Orders or Service Requests

About This Task

Important: You can create either a Work Order or a Service Request in ServiceMax from Predix Essentials. You cannot create both at the same time, so you must configure the context file to designate which to create.
Note: The following instructions assume that the Create Work Request box exists on the baseline datasheets for the supported Action Management families. This field exists on the default datasheets in the baseline Predix Essentials database, so these instructions assume that they have not been removed by an administrative user.


  1. Access an existing recommended action.
  2. If the Recommendation record is not already linked to the Equipment or Functional Location record that represents the equipment or location for which you want to create a ServiceMax Service Request, link the records.
  3. Select the appropriate datasheet for the Recommended Action record.
  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields to provide information about the recommended action.
    Note: The value in the Target Completion Date field must be a future date.
  5. Select .
  6. Select the Create Work Request? check box.
  7. Select .

    The record is saved.


After you save the recommended action, the following occurs:

  1. A Work Order or Service Request is created in the ServiceMax system.
  2. The Work Request Reference field is populated with the ID of the corresponding Work Order or Service Request.
  3. After the Work Request Reference field is populated, the Create Work Request field is disabled.
  4. The Service Record Id field is populated.
Note: If a Service Request cannot be created for any reason, a message appears, describing the problem. You will not be able to save the recommended action record until you clear the Create Work Request? check box or resolve the problem.

Schedule Work Orders


  1. Access the APM Connect page.
    The APM Connect Configuration page appears.
  2. Select EAM Settings.
    The EAM Settings page appears.
  3. In the Scheduling Properties section, select Edit Schedule.
    Note: If there is a previously scheduled item, a schedule summary will be displayed next to the Edit Schedule button. If there is no scheduled item, Not scheduled appears next to the Edit Schedule button.
  4. In the Edit Schedule window, select the Recurrence check box.
  5. In the Time Zone box, select the appropriate time zone.
  6. In the Start box, select to schedule the start date and time.
    1. Select one of the following as appropriate:
      • The current date: Select this option to use the current time and date as the starting point.
      • Clear: Select this option to clear the current selection.
      • <Date>: Select this option to use the selected date as the start date.
    2. Select , and then select the appropriate time.
    3. Select Close.
  7. In the Every section, in the Interval box, enter the numeric value for how often you want the work order generation to occur.
  8. In the Every section, in the Units box, select the interval unit (that is, minutes, hours, years, etc.).
  9. In the Every section, in the Begin box, select one of the following:
    • From start time: Select this option to start the recurrence from the previously selected start time.
    • After last occurrence: Select this option to begin the generation after the last time the job ran.
  10. In the End box, based on when you want the recurrence to end, select one of the following:
    • Never: If you select this option, the recurrence will not end.
    • After: If you select this option, you will enter a number of occurrences after which the generation will end.
    • Time & Date: Select this option to use the calendar to select a time and date when the generation will end.
  11. Select OK.

    The schedule summary appears next to the Edit Schedule button. Additionally, the scheduled item can be viewed in the Scheduling feature in Operations Manager.