
Tenant Access

After you log in, your privilege set defines the features you can use. Permission sets and user group assignments define the actions you can take on an assigned asset.

For example, users assigned to the M&D Manager permission set can work with the following features:
  • Alerts
  • Alert templates
  • Cases
  • Analysis data and charts
  • Dashboard widget configuration
  • Performance data
  • Executive reports
  • Work history searches
Users assigned to the User Administrator permission set can perform the following actions:
  • Add and assign permission sets
  • Administer users and groups
  • View the analytic catalog
  • View and search the audit logs

Switch Between Tenants

Before You Begin

Obtain the access URLs for each tenant.

About This Task

This procedure applies if you have access permissions to more than one tenant (unique instance) and need to switch between them.


  1. In a web browser, enter the URL for your first tenant.
  2. Log in to the tenant with SSO or UAA credentials.
    Note: If you have already logged in using your SSO, you are automatically redirected to your web application.
  3. Enter the URL for your next tenant in the same tab, or enter it in a new browser window or tab.
  4. Depending on the type of tenant you are switching to, one of the following applies:
    • If you are switching to another SSO tenant from an SSO tenant, you are automatically logged in.
    • If you are switching to another UAA tenant, you must log in with your UAA credentials for that tenant.
  5. Optional: Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any additional tenants.


You can now switch between tenant windows as you would normally do between applications. You remain signed into each tenant until you log out or your session times out.

Change Your Password

Before You Begin

You must have valid login credentials for Predix Essentials.

About This Task

To change your password, use one of the following procedures.

Important: User information such as the username, password, first and last names, and email address are subject to any limitations implemented by your identity provider.


  • Changing a UAA password
    The following guidelines apply to UAA passwords.
    • Are case-sensitive.
    • Must be at least eight characters long.
    • Must use a combination of alphanumeric characters.
    • Can contain special characters.
    • Cannot contain consecutive characters such as 123 or abc.
    • Cannot contain repeated characters more than twice consecutively (for example, looop or 777).
    The following are invalid password examples:
    1. Log in to your tenant with your UAA credentials.
    2. Select the ^ next to your user name on the bottom-left of your screen.
    3. Select My Profile.
    4. On your profile page, select Change Password.
    5. In the field provided, enter your old password.
    6. In the fields provided, enter a new password and reenter the new password in the Confirm Password field.
    7. Select Submit when done.
  • Changing a GE SSO password
    The following guidelines apply to GE SSO passwords.
    • Must have 8 to 15 characters.
    • Must contain lowercase letters.
    • Must contain at least 2 embedded numbers.
    • Must begin and end with a letter.
    • Must not contain your SSO ID.
    • No special characters except period (.), at sign (@), dash (-), or underscore (_).
    1. Access the URL in the web browser.
    2. In the GE Single Sign On page that opens, select Modify Your Account.
      The URL is updated to redirect you to the GE Single Sign On site if login succeeds.
    3. Now log in with your SSO credentials.
      The GE SSO redirects you to the SSO Central Modify Application page in the GE Single Sign On site.
    4. In the field provided, enter your current password.
    5. In the section labeled Please choose a User ID and Password, enter a new password and reenter the new password in the Confirm New Password field.
    6. Select the I agree check box.
    7. Select Submit when done.


You can use your new password the next time you log in to Predix Essentials.

Reset a Forgotten GE SSO Password

Before You Begin

Ensure that you:
  • Have a valid GE SSO user ID.
  • Have access to your registered email ID.
  • Know your password challenge questions and answers.

About This Task

If you sign into APM using your GE SSO credentials but have forgotten your password, you can use this procedure to reset the password.


  1. Access the URL in the web browser.
  2. In the GE Single Sign On page that opens, select Forgot Your Password?
    You are redirected to the SSO Password Reset Application page.
  3. Enter your User ID.
  4. Complete the security challenge as indicated.
    The Submit button appears on successful completion of the security challenge.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Select one of the choices to reset your password.
    I remember my challenge questionsSelect this option to answer your security questions to reset your password. You should have set these questions during your account setup. Follow the steps in the Reset with Challenge Questions section of this procedure.
    I have access to my emailSelect this option to reset your password through your registered email address. Follow the steps in the Reset through Email Link section of this procedure.

Reset with Challenge Questions

  1. Follow these steps to reset your password with challenge questions.
    1. Enter the email address that you used to register this GE SSO account.
    2. Select a Challenge Question from the drop-down.
    3. In the field provided, enter the answer to the selected question.
    4. In the field provided, enter your current password.
    5. Enter a new password and reenter the new password in the Confirm New Password field.
    6. Select Submit.
      A confirmation message appears.
    7. Select OK to confirm.

Reset through Email Link

  1. Follow these steps to reset your password through email.
    1. In the Please confirm your email address section, select Yes to confirm.
      For security purposes, your email address is partially hidden.
      A confirmation page appears with the reset code. The [email protected] mail server sends an automated email to the registered email address with the link to reset your password.
      Important: Take a note of the reset code as you will need this to reset your password.
    2. Sign in to your email and open the email with the subject Single Sign On Reset Message.
      Tip: You can search for the keyword Single Sign On Reset Message in your email to locate the message.
    3. Click the link to activate your SSO account.
    4. In the page that opens, enter your reset code that you noted previously and select Submit.
      The SSO Central Modify Application page appears.
    5. In the field provided, re-enter the email address that you used to register this GE SSO account.
    6. Enter a password and re-enter the password in the Please confirm Password field.
    7. Select a Challenge Question from the drop-down.
    8. In the field provided, enter the answer to the selected question.
      Tip: Answers provided are case-sensitive. Note this answer as you will need this to reset the password in the future.
    9. Select the I agree check box.
    10. Select Submit when done.


You can use your new password the next time you log into APM.