Deploy Data Loaders

Upgrade APM Connect Data Loaders to UDLP V2.9.0

This topic outlines the steps that you must complete to upgrade this module to UDLP V2.9.0.

About This Task

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.


Upgrade from any Version DL V1.2.0 through UDLP V2.9.0

Deploy the Data Loaders for the First Time

These are the steps that you must complete to deploy and configure this module for the first time. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for deploying the basic GE Digital APM system architecture.

Before You Begin

The APM Connect Base must already be deployed.

About This Task

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are presented.

Configure SSL

If you want to use SSL for connections from APM Connect, this step is required.

About This Task

If you want to use SSL when moving data through the system, you must import security certificates from the secured application into a truststore file accessible to APM Connect. This procedure describes the process for a single application. You can import multiple certificates into a single truststore file by repeating this procedure for each application requiring SSL.

Important: When copying the certificates, make sure that you only log in to the application requiring SSL access to APM Connect.
Note: If you want to use SSL with Predix Essentials web services, contact GE Global Support.


  1. Log in to your application, and then access the certificate information from your browser.
    Note: Typically, you can access certificate information by selecting the lock icon in the address bar.
    The Certificate window appears.
  2. Select Details, and then select Copy to File....
    The Certificate Export Wizard window appears.

  3. Select Next.
  4. In the Export File Format window, select DER encoded binary X.509 (.cer), and then select Next.
  5. In the File to Export window, select Browse….

    The Save As window appears.

  6. Save the file to your Desktop under the name certificate.cer.
  7. Select Next.
  8. Select Finish.

    The Certificate Export Wizard window appears.

  9. Select OK.
  10. Copy the certificate.cer file, and then paste it into the folder that contains the Java files for your machine.
    Tip: For example, if your Java files are located at C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin, copy the certificate.cer file to that bin folder.
  11. On the APM Connect server, access the Command Prompt window as an Administrator, and then navigate to the location of the Java files on your machine.
  12. Enter keytool.
    Commands for the Key and Certificate Management Tool appear in the Command Prompt.
  13. In the last line, C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin>, enter keytool –importcert –alias test –file certificate.cer –keystore
  14. Enter a password, and confirm the password by reentering it.
    In the Command Prompt window, you are asked if you want to trust the certificate.
  15. For yes, enter y.
    The keystore file is created.
  16. For the Karaf service, navigate to the location of the Karaf JDK, and then repeat steps 12 through 15 using the path and password for the Karaf service JDK.
    • For the value of the keystore argument, use the file path of the Karaf JDK, (for example, C:\Program Files\Java\<JDK version>\jre\lib\security\cacerts).
    • The default password for keytool is changeit. Enter your unique value.
  17. Access the context file, and then enter the following values for the corresponding parameters:
    • TRUSTSTORE_FILE: The location of the truststore file you created.

    • TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD: The password you entered in the Command Prompt window when you installed the certificate.
    • USE_SSL: true.
    • APM_API_USE_SSL: true, if you are using SSL on the Predix Essentials Server.


SSL is now enabled for the applications for which you imported the certificates.

Set Permissions for APM Connect Directory

This topic describes the steps for setting up the permissions required to enable the file share.

About This Task

Before you begin importing data into GE Digital APM using the Excel source files, you must set up a network folder share. The data is passed from the APM Server to the APM Connect server through a file share, a situation in which a folder on the network is shared and accessible to both servers.


  • To create a domain user for the APM Container:
    1. On the machine on which you installed APM Connect, from your desktop, select the Windows Start button to open the Windows Start Menu.
    2. In the Search programs and files box, search for Run.
      Run appears in the Programs list.
    3. Open Run.
      The Run window appears.
    4. In the Open box, enter: services.msc.

    5. Select OK.
      The Services window appears.
    6. Right-click APM-CONTAINER, and then select Properties.
      The APM-CONTAINER Properties window appears.
    7. Select the Log On tab, and then select This account.
    8. Enter the credentials for a user within your network, designated to run APM Connect services.
    9. Select Apply, and then select OK.
    10. Repeat Steps 6-8 for the service Apache Tomcat 7.0 APMConnect_Tomcat.
      A domain user has been assigned to run the APM Container service and the Tomcat service.
  • To create a Data Loaders file share:
    Important: If you are employing a load-balancing setup using multiple servers, before you proceed, you must first configure the APM Server file share. If you are employing a standalone server, you may proceed with the following steps.
    1. On your APM Connect Server, navigate to the APM Connect directory at the following file path: <root:>\APMConnect\.
    2. In the directory window, select New folder, and then name the folder with the recommended name: DataLoaderFiles.
    3. Right-click the folder DataLoaderFiles.
    4. Point to Share with, and then select Specific people....
    5. In the File Sharing window, select the domain user that you indicated in Step 8.
    6. In the Permission Level column for that user, select the drop-down arrow, and then select Read/Write, and then select Share.
      Note: Users running the APM-CONTAINER service and the APM Server must have Read/Write access to this folder.
    Note: In the same share location, configure the EAM Interfaces to generate APM Connect Processing logs so that they can be retrieved by the APM Download Logs option in the Data Loader and EAM Jobs Dashboards.
  • Grant Read/Write Access to the APMConnect folder:
    1. Navigate to the APMConnect folder.
      If you installed APM Connect in the default location the folder is C:/APMConnect.
    2. Right-click on the folder APMConnect, and then select Properties.
    3. In the APMConnet Properties window, select the Security tab, and then select Edit.
    4. In the Permissions for APMConnect window, select Add....
      The appears.
    5. In the Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups window, in the Enter the object names to select(examples): box, enter the name of the APM Connect user that you indicated in Step 8, and then selectCheck Names.
      The APMConnect user's name is validated.
    6. Select OK.
      The APM Connect user is populated in the Group or user names box.
    7. Select the APM Connect user.
    8. In the Permissions for <Username> box, on the Full Control row, select Allow, and then select Ok.
    9. In the APMConnect Properties window, select OK.


The APM Connect service user has access to the APM Connect folder.

Access Localized Data Loader Workbooks

About This Task

The localized Data Loader workbooks are stored on the Predix Essentials Server.


  1. On your Predix Essentials Server, navigate to the folder where the localized workbooks are stored. If you had installed Predix Essentials in the default location, navigate to C:\Program Files\Meridium\Templates\DataLoaders.

    The DataLoaders folder appears.

  2. Select the folder containing the workbook in the language you want according to the following table:
    pt-BRPortuguese (Brazilian)
    zh-CHSChinese (Simplified)


You can access and use the localized workbooks to load data into Predix Essentials. Optionally, you can import the localized workbooks into Predix Essentials so that they can be accessed from the Data Loaders page.

Deploy and Configure Data Loader Files

This topic describes how to access and configure parameters in the context file.

About This Task

Note: The APM Connect installer automatically deletes the file StageDataLoaderService.cfg from the location C:\APMConnect\Utilities\runtime\deploy, if it exists there. You must complete the remaining steps in this topic manually.


  1. Access the APM Connect installation package, and then copy the file StageDataLoaderService.cfg.
  2. Navigate to <root>\APMConnect\Utilities\runtime\etc, and then paste the copied file in that location.
  3. Open the file to edit, and then configure the following parameters:
    ParameterDescriptionDefault or Recommended Value
    contextDefines what Talend context environment is used. Default.
    TRUSTSTORE_FILEThe directory path to the dinoloader SSL configuration file.Value is unique to the user.
    TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORDThe password for the keystore files.Value is unique to the user.
    USE_SSLDetermines if SSL is used.
    • true: will use SSL.
    • false: will not use SSL.
    IR_HOSTIntermediary Repository host name.Value is unique to the user.
    IR_DATABASEDatabase for the dinoloader job.Value is unique to the user.
    IR_USERIDIntermediary Repository username.Value is unique to the user.
    IR_PASSWORDIntermediary Repository password.Value is unique to the user.
    IR_SCHEMAThe schema in which the IR database will be created.The default value is public.
    IR_PORTIntermediate Repository port.Default value is 5432.
    LOG4J_CONFIG_FILELog4j directory path.C:/APMConnect/Config/
    IS_LINUXIndicates if the machine on which the Data Loaders are deployed is a POSIX-compliant operating system (for example, Linux, UNIX, AIX, HPUX etc.) or another operating system.
    • true: Enter true if you are deploying the Data Loaders on a POSIX-compliant operating system.
    • false: Enter false if you are not deploying the Data Loaders on a POSIX-compliant operating system.
    LINUX_BASE_PATHThe directory path where the data loader file share is mounted.

    This parameter is required only if you are deploying the Data Loaders on a Linux machine.

    This path is defined by system administrator for the Linux machine, and the value is unique to the user.

    ROW_LEVEL_LOGGINGUsed for debugging, specifies whether or not data rows are written to the log.

    The default is false.

    true: Writes data rows to the log.

    false: Suppresses data rows from the log.

    org.apache.karaf.features.configKeyKaraf web console configuration tie-in is used to associate this configuration file with the RunDataLoaderRoute class.StageDataLoaderService.talendcontext.Default
    Important: Do not modify this parameter.
    TOKEN_REQUEST_URLThe URL from which APM Connect requests a Predix security token.Enter the URL received from Predix tenant.
    CLIENT_IDThe Id assigned to the Predix tenant.Enter your unique value.
    INGESTION_USERNAMEThe Predix account that has authorization to ingest assets.Enter your unique value.
    INGESTION_PASSWORDThe password associated with the INGESTION_USERNAME.Enter your unique value.
    ASSET_INGESTION_URLThe URL from which Predix ingests the asset data.Enter your unique value.
    TENANT_UUIDThe Predix tenant with which APM Connect communicates.Enter your unique value.
    PREDIX_GRANT_TYPEThe security type used to grant access to Predix.

    The default is password.

    Enter your unique value.

  4. Save the file.
  5. In the installation package, copy the file StageDataLoaderService.jar.
  6. On your APM Connect server, navigate to <root>\APMConnect\Utilities\runtime\deploy, and then paste the copied file in that location.
    Note: If new configuration is not automatically applied, restart the APM_CONTAINER service. This will force the changes to be applied.

Deploy and Configure the APM_UPDATE_LOGIC Webservice

The APM_UPDATE_LOGIC webservice manages the temporary tables Predix Essentials uses to load the database. Correct configuration is required for the system to operate correctly.


  1. Access the APM Connect installation package, and then copy the file APM_UPDATE_LOGIC.cfg.
  2. Navigate to <root>\APMConnect\Utilities\runtime\etc, and then paste the copied file in that location.
  3. Open the file to edit, and then configure the following parameters:
    ParameterDescriptionDefault or Recommended Value
    contextDefines what Talend context environment is used.Default. Do not change.
    CONFIG_FILE_PATHThe directory path to the context file used for extractions.C:/APMConnect/Config/ContextFile.xml
    LOG4J_CONFIG_FILEThe directory path to the file used for extractions.C:/APMConnect/Config/
    SAP_CLOUD_ENABLEDSpecifies whether the installation is in the cloud or on premises.
    • true: the installation is in the cloud.
    • false: the installation is on premises.
    Note: All file paths must use / in this configuration as a directory separator or errors will occur.
  4. Save the file.
  5. In the installation package, copy the file APM_UPDATE_LOGIC.jar.
  6. On your APM Connect server, navigate to <root>\APMConnect\Utilities\runtime\deploy, and then paste the copied file in that location.
    Note: If new configuration is not automatically applied, restart the APM_CONTAINER service. This will force the changes to be applied.

Create the Intermediate Repository Database

This topic describes how to set up a repository in preparation to run your first job.

Before You Begin

Important: If you are using both the Data Loaders and an EAM Adapter, you need only one Intermediate Repository Database.
  • Before you can prepare and deploy the repository, you must import the CreateIntermediateRepository job.
  • If you are using the Data Loaders and the EAM Adapters, you must deploy and run the CreateIntermediateRepository job for each set of adapters.
  • For SAP adapters, you must first run the Static Data job.
  • For multiple EAM systems, the context file parameter values for a specific type of system must be identical except for the value of CMMS_ID.
  • For multiple EAM systems, the Intermediate Repository Connection parameters have the same values for all adapters connected to this Predix Essentials system.
Important: Each time you run the CreateIntermediateRepository you recreate the Predix Essentials database to the baseline settings, removing any previous configuration. When you run the addSourceSystem job, the job will add new source systems based on the CMMS_ID and the SOURCE_SYSTEM_TYPE. If the job is run an additional time with the same configuration, it will reset the control values of an existing source system.


  1. Log in to the APM Connect Administration Center web application.
    Note: The user logging in must have access to the Job Conductor by being designated the Operations Manager role. By default, users designated as administrators do not have Job Conductor permissions.
  2. In the Job Conductor workspace, in the appropriate project, select the CreateIntermediateRepository job.
    Note: For ServiceMax, this job is called CreateIntermediateRepository_ServiceMax.
  3. Select Context parameters.

    The Context parameters section appears.

  4. Configure the following parameter.
    Context ParameterDescription
    CONFIG_FILE_PATHThe file path to context files for the jobs.
    • You must change the default value to reflect the actual path to your configuration file.
    • CMMS_ID and SOURCE_SYSTEM_TYPE must be set in the context file.
  5. Select Run.
    If you are configuring a single system, you have completed your configuration.
    The intermediate repository database is created for the project.

If you are configuring multiple EAM systems, perform the remaining steps in this topic.

  1. In the Job Conductor workspace, in the appropriate project, select the addSourceSystem job.
  2. Configure the following parameter.
    Context ParameterDescription
    CONFIG_FILE_PATHThe file path to context files for the jobs.
    • You must change the default value to reflect the actual path to your configuration file.
    • CMMS_ID and SOURCE_SYSTEM_TYPE must be set in the context file.
  3. Select Run.
  4. Repeat steps 6 through 8 for all adapters.