Manage Alerts

About Alert Actions

In the alerts inbox and details page of an alert, you can perform various tasks.

You can perform the following tasks for an alert that belongs to the same tenant:
  • Claim and release an alert.
  • Assign an alert.
  • Assign a disposition to an alert.
  • Add notes to an alert.
  • Create an alert manually.
  • Apply filters to an alert.
  • Add evidence to an alert.
  • Create and view a case from an alert.
  • Create a recurring alert.
  • Mark an alert as processed.
  • Audit of an alert.
  • Generate a PDF report for an alert.
  • View an asset faceplate from an alert.
For an alert the belongs to another tenant, you can perform only the following tasks:
  • View the analysis chart.
  • View and add notes.
  • View existing evidence and attach new evidence.
  • View the audit results of an alert.
  • View the list of linked cases with general visibility that are associated with the assets to which you have access.
  • Export alerts to PDF.

Claim or Release an Alert

About This Task

Claiming an alert allows you to take ownership of an alert, select its disposition, and create a case for the alert.
  • You cannot claim or release a claim for an alert that belongs to another tenant.
  • When you release an alert, you automatically lose subscription to that alert.

Claiming an alert in the Ready state changes its status to In Process. If an alert is In Process, you cannot claim the alert until it has been released by the current owner.


  • To claim an alert:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
    2. Select , and then select the alert filter set.
      The alerts inbox for the selected filter set appears.
    3. Select an alert in the alerts queue.
      The selected alert appears.
    4. Select Claim Alert.
      Note: For a SmartSignal advisory, select Claim Advisory.
    The alert status changes to In Process with you designated as the owner, and the alert moves to the My Alerts filter queue.
    Note: You can select the My Alerts filter to view claimed alerts.
  • To release a claim, select , and then select Release Claim.
    The alert returns to the Unclaimed filter queue. Releasing an alert causes it to revert to a Ready status.

Assign an Alert

An analyst can assign an alert that belongs to the same tenant to another user.

Before You Begin

You must have Manage Alerts permissions to assign an alert to another user.

About This Task


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select the alert filter set that contains the alert that you want to assign.
    A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
  3. Select the alert.
    A section that contains the details of the alert appears.
  4. Select , and then select Assign Alert.
    The Assign Alert window appears.
  5. Select the text box, and then in the Search box that appears, enter at least one character of the user name.
    A list of user names populates with the matching characters.
  6. From the list, select the user to whom you want to assign the alert.
  7. Select Assign.


The name of the user appears as the owner in the ALERT INFORMATION section, and the user is now subscribed to this alert. In addition, visibility for this alert is set to Limited.
Note: When you assign an alert to a user who does not have access to the alert, and does not have Manage Alerts permission, a message appears indicating that the alert was not assigned.

Assign an Alert Disposition

After claiming an alert, you can assign a disposition to indicate its validity. Dispositions are retained when you release, process, or reclaim an alert.

About This Task

Note: You cannot assign a disposition for an alert that belongs to another tenant.

In the Alerts grid view, the default value for Disposition is None and the Disposition column is required. The Disposition column can be sorted as well.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select My Alerts to display the claimed alerts.
    A pane that contains a list of claimed alerts appears.
  3. Select the alert to which you want to assign a disposition.
    A section that contains the details of the alert appears.
  4. In the Disposition drop-down list box, select one of the following options.
    ValidValid issue that requires additional action.
    FalseFalse positive. The alert does not need any further action.
    False - SystemFalse positive because of a system malfunction. The alert does not need any further action.
    Sensor IssueSensor malfunction. The alert may result in a work order to investigate and repair the failed sensors.
    Reset State DatThe alert is a result of the corruption or resetting of state information. Corrupted state information requires additional action.
    OutageOutage at the plant for the associated asset. The alert does require not any further action.
    NoneNo disposition assigned.

    Your selection results in the following workflow actions:

    • Selecting False, False - System, or Outage invalidates the alert.
    • Selecting Valid, Sensor Issue, or Reset State Dat acknowledges that the alert needs further investigation, and you can begin your analysis.

Add or Delete Notes in an Alert

Notes can help clarify evidence during a diagnosis.

About This Task

There are two note sections in the details page of an alert, INTERNAL NOTES and NOTES.
  • Internal Notes

    The INTERNAL NOTES section appears only if you have either View Internal Notes or Manage Internal Notes permission. If you have the View Internal Notes permission, you can view and read any internal notes, but cannot add or edit the note. The Manage Internal Notes permission allows you to view internal notes and add a note. However, you can delete only your own notes. The INTERNAL NOTES section can be viewed in the alerts grid.

  • Notes

The NOTES section is available to all users with View Alert Detail or Manage Alert permission. If you have Manage Alert Detail permissions, you can edit or delete notes. The NOTES section appears in alerts grid as a column, and can be exported to a PDF.


  • To add a note:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
    2. Select , and then select the alert filter set that contains the alert for which you want to add a note.
      A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
    3. Select the alert.
      A section that contains the details of the alert appears.
    4. In the NOTES section of the alert, enter text in the box.
      Note: You can enter up to 5000 characters.
    5. Select Add Note.
      The new note appears in the NOTES section.
  • To delete a note, select next to the note.
    The selected note is removed from the NOTES section.

Add, Delete, or Download Evidence in an Alert

You can add files to an alert as evidence to help diagnose an issue. In addition, when you save an analysis of an alert in Analysis view, it appears as an evidence in the EVIDENCE section of the alert.

About This Task

Evidence can be examined by anyone with access permission for the alert. You can add the following document types:
  • Image files (JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIF)
  • Text type files (DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, TXT)
  • PDF files

You cannot add folders or EXE, BAT, CMD, MSI, BIN, ZIP, RAR files as evidence.

You can download the files that are attached as evidence or delete the files that you have attached.


  • To add a file:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
    2. Select , and then select alert filter set that contains the alert for which you want to add a file as evidence.
      A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
    3. Select the alert.
      A section that contains the details of the alert appears.
    4. In the EVIDENCE section, select .
    5. Select the file that you want to add as evidence, and then select Open.
      The name, type, and size of the file appear in the EVIDENCE section.
      Important: While the file is being uploaded, do not navigate away from this page, else the file will not be added.
  • To delete a file, select for the file that you want to delete.
    You can delete only the files that you have added.
  • To download a file to your local drive, select for the file that you want to download.

Create an Alert Manually

You can create an alert at any level of the asset hierarchy that belongs to the same tenant.

Before You Begin

You must have Manage Alerts and Limited Visibility permissions to create an alert.

About This Task

You can create an alert to monitor potential issues. You can enter asset IDs at the enterprise, site, and segment levels, in addition to the actual asset.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select an alert filter set.
    A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
  3. In the heading of the alerts inbox, select .
    The Create Alert window appears.
  4. In the ASSET ID box, enter a valid asset ID.
    Note: You can enter an asset ID for an enterprise, a site, a segment, or an asset.
  5. In the ALERT TEMPLATE box, enter characters to populate the list of templates that matches the characters.
    Note: For an alert template to appear in the list of templates, the template must have the Source field set to Manual.
  6. As needed, select Single Alert or Recurring Alert.
  7. In the EVENT TIME box, select a date and time for the event.
    The Create button becomes active.
  8. Select Create.
    A message appears indicating that an alert was created successfully. The new alert appears in the Unclaimed filter set.


When an alert is created at the enterprise level, you will see the Asset Name and Asset ID in the ALERT INFORMATION section of the Alert Details page. When an alert is created at the site level, you will see the Asset Name, Enterprise Name, and Asset ID in the ALERT INFORMATION section. When an alert is created at the segment level, you will see the Asset Name, Site Name, and Asset ID in the ALERT INFORMATION section.

Create Custom Filters for Alerts

You can create custom filters for alerts that have specific requirements.

About This Task

The default filter sets for alerts appear in the module navigation menu. By default, alerts are displayed in the alerts page based on the first filter set.

The filter sets allow you to view specific set of alerts by narrowing the entries. You can use the auto-refresh settings to display the newly added alerts. You can set the frequently used filters as favorites. When a new alert is added, the auto-refresh setting considers the existing filters and assigns the alert to the correct queue.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select More Filters.
    The Filter Alerts window appears.
  3. Select New Filter Set.
  4. In the Type Filter Set Name box, enter a unique name for the new filter set, and then select Save.
    Note: Filter names should be unique even though Predix Essentials allows you to save multiple filters using the same name.
  5. Select Add Filter, and then select one or more of the following filter options.
    You can apply any combination of these filters to the entries or save them as a filter set.
    Table 1. Filters Options
    Filter Options Action to be Performed
    Alarm TypeSelect either is equal to or is not equal to, and then select one or more options from the drop-down list box.
    Alarm NameEnter the name of an alert in the box next to the contains box.
    Alert TypeSelect either is equal to or is not equal to, and then select one or more options from the drop-down combo box. (None is the default value).
    Alert NameSelect either contains or is equal to, and then enter one or more strings separated by commas in the box.
    Asset IDSelect either contains or is equal to, and then enter one or more strings separated by commas in the box.
    Alert Received TimeSelect one of the following options:
    • Last 24 Hours
    • Last 7 Days
    • Last 30 Days
    • Last 3 Months
    • Last 6 Months
    • Last 12 Months
    • Custom Range

      When Custom Range option is selected, the text box is enabled and you enter the time range.

    Alert IdSelect either contains or is equal to, and then enter a string in the box.
    Analytic InstanceSelect either contains or is equal to, and then enter one or more strings separated by commas in the box.
    Asset NameSelect either contains or is equal to, and then enter one or more strings separated by commas in the box.
    Asset Site NameSelect either contains or is equal to, and then enter one or more strings separated by commas in the box.
    DispositionedSelect either is equal to or is not equal to, and then select one or more options from the drop-down combo box. (None is the default value).
    Note: The custom entries for Disposition that are created in the Alert Configuration section of the Tenant Preferences page are available in the drop-down list box of the Filter Alerts window.
    Event timeSelect one of the following options:
    • Last 24 Hours
    • Last 7 Days
    • Last 30 Days
    • Last 3 Months
    • Last 6 Months
    • Last 12 Months
    • Custom Range

      When Custom Range option is selected, the text box is enabled, and you can enter the time range.

    Has LinkedCasesSelect one of the following options from the drop-down list box:
    • True

      Displays all the alerts with linked cases.

    • False

      Displays all the alerts with no linked cases.

    Internal NotesEnter the text in the box next to the contains box.
    Is ClaimedSelect one of the following options from the drop-down list box:
    • True

      Displays all the claimed alerts.

    • False

      Displays all the unclaimed alerts.

    Is ConsumableSelect one of the following options from the drop-down list box:
    • True

      Displays all the claimed alerts.

    • False

      Displays all the unclaimed alerts.

    NotesEnter the text in the box next to the contains box.
    Owner/User NameSelect either contains or is not equal to, and then enter the string in the box.
    SeveritySelect one of the following options from the drop-down list box, and then select one or more severities in the box next to the drop-down list box:
    • is equal to
    • is not equal to
    • is greater than
    • is greater or equal to
    • is less than
    • is less than or equal to
    SourceSelect either is equal to or is not equal to, and then select one or more sources from the drop-down combo box. (None is the default value).
    StatusThe following statuses appear in the drop-down list box:
    • Ready
    • In Process
    • Processed
    • In Process Escalated
    • In Process Maintenance
    Select one or more statuses to specify filter criteria.
    VisibilitySelect one of the following options from the drop-down list box:
    • General

      Displays all the General Visibility alerts.

    • Limited

      Displays all the Limited Visibility alerts.

    Asset CriticalitySelect one of the following options from the drop-down list box, and then select one or more in the box next to the drop-down list box:
    • Greater than
    • Less than
    • Greater than or equals
    • Less than or equals
    • Does not equal
    • Equals
    The selections appear in the Filter Alerts window.
    Note: You can remove a filter from the Filter Alerts window by selecting .
  6. Select Save, and then select Apply.


The custom filter is created and is available in the list of filter sets in the drop-down list that appears on selecting .

Apply Filters to Alerts

You can apply default or custom filter sets to Alerts.

About This Task

You can use filter sets to narrow queue entries into a manageable set. In addition, you can manage queue auto-refresh settings to control the appearance of new alerts, and designate frequently-used filters as favorites for quick application to the queue. Auto-refresh takes existing filters into account when adding new alerts, assigning them to the correct queue.
Note: The filters applied to the alerts inbox or grid is persistent even if you navigate out of alerts, therefore not requiring you to select the filter attributes again until you log out of the application. This is valid for a given user session.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select a filter set, such as My Alerts or Unclaimed.
    The filter is applied to the alerts inbox or alerts grid.
    • To apply a new filter from the Filter Alerts window without saving it as a new filter set, select More Filters, make your filter selections, and then select Apply.
    • To add a custom filter set to the module navigation menu as your favorite:
      1. Select More Filters to access the Filter Alerts window.
      2. Hover over a filter set name in the list.
      3. Select next to the filter name.
    • To remove a favorite filter from the module navigation menu, select .
    • To modify an existing filter with new filter options:
      1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
      2. Select , and then select More Filters.
      3. In the Filter Alerts window, select the name of the filter that you want to modify.
      4. Add, remove, or modify the filter options.
      5. Select Save.
    • To delete an existing filter:
      1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
      2. Select , and then select More Filters.
      3. In the Filter Alerts window, for the filter that you want to delete.
      4. Select Save.

About Recurring Alerts

You can create a reminder or recurring alerts for assets or tags that don't have any analytics running to generate alerts.

You can use the recurring alerts to review the current state of these assets for the given tags. The reminder criteria is time-based and shows the interval in minutes, as well as the event start time and event end time.

  • Event start time – begins from the present time onwards.
  • Event end time – is any date and time in the future.

You can create and schedule a recurring alert, cancel a scheduled recurring alert, and view recurring alerts in the alerts inbox and grid. An alert with indicates that it is a recurring alert.

Access a Recurring Alert

You can view recurring alerts in the Scheduled Alert Settings page.

Before You Begin
You must have permissions to view alerts.
  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > AlertsV1.
  2. Select an alert inbox filter set.
  3. Select .
    The Scheduled Alert Settings page appears, displaying a list of recurring alerts.

Create a Recurring Alert

You can create a recurring alert in both the alerts inbox and alerts grid.

Before You Begin
You must have Manage Alerts permission to create a recurring alert.
About This Task
  • You can create a recurring alert for an asset that belongs to the same tenant.
  • You cannot create more than 2000 alerts in a series of recurring alert.

You can create a recurring alert in one of the following ways:

  • From the Create an Alert window.
  • From the Recurring Alerts page.
  • To create a recurring alert from the Create an Alert window:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > AlertsV1.
    2. Select an alert inbox filter set.
    3. Select .
      The Create an Alert window appears.
    4. Enter values in the ASSET ID and ALERT TEMPLATE boxes.
    5. In the RECURRENCE section, select Recurring Alert.
    6. In the INTERVAL TIME box, enter the interval in which the recurring alert must be generated.
      • You must enter the interval in minutes.
      • You cannot create more than 2000 alerts in a series of recurring alert.
    7. Enter a start date and time if you want to start the recurring alert later than the default date and time.
      The default value is the current date and time.
    8. Enter an end date and time for the recurring alert.
      The default value is the current date and time. You must enter a date and time later than the default date and time. Otherwise, the alert creation will fail.
    9. Select Create.
    Note: The Create button is inactive until all values are entered.
    A confirmation message appears.
  • To add a recurring alert from the Recurring Alerts page:
    1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > AlertsV1.
    2. Select an alert inbox filter set.
    3. Select .
      The Scheduled Alert Settings page appears.
    4. Select .
      The Create an Alert window appears.
    5. Enter values in the ASSET ID and ALERT TEMPLATE boxes.
    6. In the RECURRENCE section, select Recurring Alert.
    7. In the INTERVAL TIME box, enter the interval in which the recurring alert must be generated.
      • You must enter the interval in minutes.
      • You cannot create more than 2000 alerts in a series of recurring alert.
    8. Enter a start date and time if you want to start the recurring alert later than the default date and time.
      The default value is the current date and time.
    9. Enter an end date and time for the recurring alert.
      The default value is the current date and time. You must enter a date and time later than the default date and time. Otherwise, the alert creation will fail.
    10. Select Create.
A message appears, confirming that the recurring alert has been successfully scheduled. The new recurring alert is then added to the Scheduled Alert Settings page.

Create a Case from an Alert

To initiate and track the process used to address an issue identified in an alert, you can create a case from the corresponding details page of the alert.

Before You Begin

You must have Alerts permissions and Cases permissions to create a case from an alert.
Note: You can create a case for an alert that belongs to the same tenant.

About This Task

Note: When you create a case from an alert and if the EVIDENCE section of the alert contains an analysis chart, the same analysis chart will be available in the EVIDENCE section of the case.

You can create a case from an alert by providing an Asset ID at any level (enterprise, site, segment, or asset).


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select My Alerts.
    A pane that contains a list of alerts assigned to you appears.
  3. Select the alert for which you want to create a case.
    The details page of the alert appears.
  4. Select Create Case.
    The Create Case window appears.
  5. In the Template drop-down list box, select a template.
    Note: If the alert template used for the claimed alert has no case template mapped to it, then the Template list is not available, and the Template box will display the value None.
  6. In the Title box, enter a case name.
  7. In the Severity drop-down list box, select a value.
  8. In the Symptoms box, enter a description, and then select Save.
    Note: By default, the case title and severity match the alert name and severity. You can modify the case title and severity.
  9. Select the Include Alert Notes check box, to attach the alert notes with the case.
    The linked alert notes appear in the Alert Notes box of the Case Details page in the Cases module.


A case with the selected name and severity appears in the LINKED CASES section of the alert. The case then becomes available in the Cases module.

If you create multiple cases for a single alert, the Case Number in the Case Information section is incremented by one for each additional case.

Access a Case from an Alert

About This Task

When you create a case from an alert, the case is generated in the Cases module, and a link to the case appears in the LINKED CASES section in the details section or page of an alert.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select the alert filter set that contains the alert for which a case is created.
    A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
  3. Select the alert.
    The details page of the alert appears.
  4. In the LINKED CASES section, select the linked case that you want to view.
    The Limited Visibility cases will be available in the LINKED CASES section only if you have the View Limited Visibility Cases permission. Otherwise, only the General Visibility Cases will be available in the LINKED CASES section of the alert.
    The case details of the selected case open in a new web browser tab.

Mark an Alert as Processed

About This Task

You can mark a claimed, In Process alert as Processed to indicate that the alert no longer needs attention. Once an alert has been processed, it appears in the queue as Processed.
Note: You can mark an alert as processed if the alert belongs to the same tenant.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select My Alerts to access alerts claimed by you.
    A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
  3. Select an In Process alert claimed by you.
  4. Select , and then select Mark as Processed.
    A message appears, indicating that the alert has been marked as processed.
    Note: The alert is removed from the My Alerts queue. To find the processed alert, select More Filters, and search by Status.

Reopen a Processed Alert

After an alert has been processed, you cannot change its disposition state.

About This Task

After you reopen a processed alert, you can then use the same workflow as a new alert. The alert retains its previous case links and associated disposition state values. You can then create a case, or close the alert.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select More Filters.
    The Filter Alerts window appears.
  3. In the Add Filters drop-down list box, select Status.
  4. In the drop-down list box, select Processed, and then select Apply.
    A list of processed alerts appears.
  5. Select a processed alert.
    The details section of the alert appears.
  6. Select Reopen.
    The state of the alert changes from Processed to In Process, and reappears in the My Alerts queue.
    As needed, perform the following:
    • To modify the disposition, In the Disposition drop-down list box, select a value. Changing the disposition for an alert allows you to define the reason for the alert.
    • To create a case for the reopened alert, select Create Case. In the event of a valid alert disposition, you may need to create a case to resolve the issue

Access Asset Faceplate from an Alert

The Asset Faceplate contains information about a selected asset, including equipment information, asset attributes, and associated tags.

About This Task

The Asset Faceplate is located in Assets, but you can view it in Alerts.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. Select , and then select the alert filter set.
    A pane that contains a list of alerts appears.
  3. Select the alert.
    The details page of the alert appears, displaying the hierarchy of the asset in the ASSET field of the ALERT INFORMATION section.
  4. In the ASSET field, select the name of the asset.
    The Asset Faceplate appears in a new tab.
    Tip: You can view the details of the Enterprise, Site, or Segment associated with the asset by selecting the name of the Enterprise, Site, or Segment in the ASSET field.

View Asset Criticality for Alerts

You can view Asset Criticality for alerts in the Alerts Details page.

About This Task

Note: This feature is not available in Predix Essentials.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Tools > Alerts.
  2. In the Alerts Details page, select the criticality number in the ALERT INFORMATION section to display the details of the criticality level in the Asset Criticality Analysis page in Predix Essentials.