
A slider is a graphical user interface element that is used to indicate an amount or value by means of an indication hash marker that can move on a horizontal plane that has a value indication. To use the new version, refer to Slider.

Slider Properties

Field Name Description
Source The data source can be based on which queries have been added in the Page Data section. It is also possible to manually insert the data source or to use a formula.
Required Specify if an input must be sent to the query.
Submit on Charge If selected, changing the value of the input submits the query to which this input is assigned.
Step The spacing between variables on the horizontal plane of the slider.
Minimum Sets the minimum variable on the horizontal plane of the slider. This number appears on the left side of the plane.
Maximum Sets the maximum variable on the horizontal plane of the slider. This number appears on the right side of the plane.

Possible Uses

A slider can be used for any of the following purposes:
  • To provide a number selector.
  • To indicate the volume on an audio recorder or a maximum/minimum price.
  • To allow a user to select a price they would be willing to pay as part of a filter system for search results.