Basic Workflow

Asset Health Manager Workflow

The following workflow represents the basic steps that you might use when evaluating a piece of equipment's health using Asset Health Manager. After you have completed this workflow, you will probably find that you need to repeat certain steps at various times depending on your company's specific needs, changing conditions, and your role within the organization.

  1. In Asset Health Manager, select an asset whose health you want to evaluate.
  2. Evaluate the asset's health using the health status, event, and policy instance data.
  3. As necessary, create recommendations based on health indicator statuses or other relevant asset health information.
  4. Acknowledge any warning or alert health indicator statuses.

APM Health Personas

The workflows for this solution are completed by the following user personas.

PersonaDescriptionApplicable GE Digital APM RolesNotes
AnalystThe Analyst is responsible for prioritizing the areas where efforts should be directed to drive improvements that directly affect productivity and profitability. The Analyst monitors and evaluates historical and condition data. Based on evaluation, the Analyst will make recommendations to take action on current conditions or propose changes to existing strategies.MI Health User

MI Health Power

MI Health Admin

MI Strategy User

MI Strategy Power

MI Strategy Admin

GE Digital APM
The GE Digital APM persona represents automated processes performed by the GE Digital APM system.
Solution Administrator
The Solution Administrator is responsible for managing advanced features of a GE Digital APM solution. Some examples are managing health indicators, managing M2M interfaces, and managing SSAS cubes.
MI Health AdminNone

The Technician is responsible for executing and documenting inspection activities to maintain both asset integrity and compliance with the overall inspection program.

The Technician does the following:

  • Performs inspections, calibrations, or proof tests.
  • Records results.
  • Initiates recommendations.
MI Health UserNone