About Monitoring Data Collector Performance Statistics

You can evaluate data collector performance by observing information displayed or recorded in the following screens or files:
  • Historian Administrator Main screen and Historian Messages screen.

    For a detailed description of the parameter/option fields and the Alerts and Message Search Windows, refer to Using the Historian Administrator manual.

  • LOG and SHOW files on the data collector local machine.

    LOG (.log) files are historical journals of every event affecting operation of the collector. When you troubleshoot a problem in a collector, examining the log files is the best place to begin. The default path for LOG and SHW files is C:\Proficy Historian Data\LogFiles. The highest number is the most recent.

    SHOW (.shw) files allow you to examine the current configuration of a data collector. This file also details version and system configuration affecting the specific collector. The default path for LOG and SHW files is C:\Proficy Historian Data\LogFiles.

    If you are upgrading from a previous version of Historian, then the Archives, LogFiles, and BufferFiles destination paths will remain unchanged.

    Historian periodically checks for Archives, Bufferfiles, and Logfiles folder disk space availability. If the available disk space is less than configured, then Historian Data Archiver may shutdown.

  • Event Viewer on the Historian Server and on the collector local machine.

    The Windows Event Viewer logs all system events of interest to an administrator or developer. Each event has an identifying icon, such as Information, Warning, or Error. Click an item to display more detail about the event. Use this information to determine when and why a server fault occurred and when satisfactory operation was restored.

  • Historian tag using the source address of the Rate Output Address, Status Output Address, or heartbeat Output Address.