Adding Nested Domain Groups to Historian Security Groups

The following procedure describes, a European domain group user trying to connect to Historian server, installed in Domain Controller.


  1. Create a user EuropeGroupUser1 in DC.
  2. Create a group EuropeGroup1.
  3. Add the EuropGroupUser1 to EuropeGroup1.
  4. Add the group (i.e. EuropeGroup1) from to IH Security Admingroup in DC
  5. Login to Historian Client using EuropeGroupUser1.
  6. If a new user gets added to EuropeGroup1 then it gets automatically synced with Historian Security Groups.
    • As EuropeGroupUser1 added as a IH Security Admin, user will get full access to Historian Server.
    • When there is a change to EuropeGroup1 (Add/Delete/Modify users), it gets automatically synchronized with Historian Security Groups. The synchronization time is configurable using Data Archiver options as shown below:

      ihDataArchiver_x64 ihArchiverMultiADSISyncInterval <Number of hours>

      Default is 6hours and user can configure between1 to 120 hours.

    US domain group user trying to connect to Historian Server installed in Domain Controller.

    1. Create a user USGroupUser1 in DC (if not exist).
    2. Create a group USGroup1.
    3. Add the USGroupUser1 to USGroup1.
    4. Add the group (i.e. USGroup1) from to IH Security Admingroup in DC
    5. Login to Historian Client using USGroupUser1.
    6. If a new user gets added to USGroup1 then it gets automatically synced with Historian Security Groups.
    • As USGroupUser1 added a IH Readers, user will get data read access to Historian Server
    • When there is a change to USGroup1 (Add/Delete/Modify users), it gets automatically synchronized with Historian Security Groups. The synchronization time is configurable using Data Archiver options as shown below:

      ihDataArchiver_x64 ihArchiverMultiADSISyncInterval <Number of hours>

      Default is 6hours and user can configure between1 to 120 hours.