Manual Recalculation and Bad Offline Values

CygNet Collector supports Manual recalculation of tags. The CygNet collector by default will add a bad offline value when the collector is started. To disable this feature, add the following registry key to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intellution, Inc.\iHistorian\Services\CygnetCollector\<entry>
  • WriteBadOfflineAtStartup (DWORD) set this to 0to disable adding the bad offline at startup.
  • DeleteBeforeRecalc (DWORD) By default, before performing a recalculation on an interval, the collector will delete any previously stored values in Proficy Historian. To disable this feature, set this key to 0

The CygNet collector also inserts a bad offline while a tag is modified. It may stay as the current value until new values are read from cygnet the by collector.