Environment Variables Used by the REST Query

The environment variables used by the REST query are available in the rest-query-config file. The following table describes these variables.
Note: For a secure connection, add - zones.<zone-id>.query, historian_rest_query_service.user in the UAA scopes and authorities.
Environment Variable Description Default Value Valid Values
HISTORIAN_HOSTNAME The IP address of the Historian database.
HISTORIAN_MAX_DATA_QUERY The maximum number of data points to be retrieved for one tag from the Historian database. 10000 As many tags as you have in the Historian archiver.
HISTORIAN_MAX_TAG_QUERY The maximum number of tags retrieved from the Historian database. 5000
DISABLE_REST_QUERY_SECURITY Indicates whether security must be enabled. true
  • false: The service runs in a secure mode.
  • true: The service runs in an unsecured mode.
ZAC_UAA_CLIENTID Client ID of OAUTH2 server. A value is required if the DISABLE_REST_QUERY_SECURITY variable is set to false.
ZAC_UAA_CLIENT_SECRET Client secret of the OAUTH2 server. A value is required if the DISABLE_REST_QUERY_SECURITY variable is set to false.
ZAC_UAA_ENDPOINT URL of OAUTH2 server. A value is required if the DISABLE_REST_QUERY_SECURITY variable is set to false.
USE_PROXY Indicates whether a firewall is present between the OAUTH2 server and the REST query. true
  • false
  • true
PROXYURL The URL of the proxy server (along with the port number).