RCPGroupExportEx (function)

Syntax RCPGroupExportEx (groupname$[, filename$])
Description Exports the specified Recipe Group to a CSV file.
Comments The RCPGroupExportEx function takes the following parameters:
Parameter Description
groupname$ Required string containing the name of the Recipe Group file. The Recipe Group file must exist.
filename$ Optional string containing the name of the CSV file.
The value returned is one of these constants.
RCP_SUCCESS Function was successful.
RCP_PT_UNAVAIL Point in recipe was disabled or does not exist.
RCP_NO_PERMISSION Current user has no setpoint permissions for points in recipe.
RCP_VAL_OUTSIDE_RANGE Value to be written to point in recipe is outside setpoint range.
RCP_FILER_ERR Path or file not found.
RCP_OLE_ERR OLE error in execution.
RCP_UNKNOWN Error not covered in one of the above.
RCPGroupExport ("D:\Bread.rgp")