Randomize (statement)

Syntax Randomize [seed]
Description Initializes the random number generator with a new seed.
Comments If seed is not specified, then the current value of the system clock is used.
Example This example sets the randomize seed then generates six random numbers between 1 and 54 for the lottery.
Const crlf = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Sub Main()
  Dim a%(5)
  Randomize 'This sets the random seed.
         'Omitting this line will cause the random numbers to be
         'identical each time the sample is run.
  For x = 0 To 5
    temp = Rnd(1) * 54 + 1
    'Elimininate duplicate numbers.
    For y = 0 To 5
      If a(y) = temp Then found = true
    If found = false Then a(x) = temp Else  x = x - 1
    found = false
  ArraySort a 
  msg1 = ""
  For x = 0 To 5
    msg1 = msg1 & a(x) & crlf
  Next x 
  MsgBox "Today's winning lottery numbers are: " & crlf & crlf & msg1
End Sub
See Also Random (function); Rnd (function).