GetSetting (function)

Syntax GetSetting([appname], section, key[, default])
Description Retrieves an specific setting from the system registry.
Comments The GetSetting function has the following named parameters:
Parameter Description
appname String expression specifying the name of the application from which the setting will be read.
section String expression specifying the name of the section within appname to be read.
key String expression specifying the name of the key within section to be read.
default An optional String expression specifying the default value to be returned if the desired key does not exist in the system registry. If omitted, then an empty string is returned if the key doesn’t exist.

                           Sub Main()
                             SaveSetting appname := "NewApp", section := "Startup", _
                             key := "Height", setting := 200
                             SaveSetting appname := "NewApp", section := "Startup", _
                             key := "Width", setting := 320
                               MsgBox GetSetting(appname := "NewApp", section := "Startup", _
                             key := "Height", default := "50")
                             DeleteSetting "NewApp" ' Delete the NewApp key
                           End Sub
See Also GetAllSettings (function), DeleteSetting (statement), SaveSetting (statement)
Note Under Win32, this statement operates on the system registry. All settings are read from the following entry in the system registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BasicScript Program Settings\appname\section\key On this platform, the appname parameter is not optional.