GetAttr (function)

Syntax GetAttr (filename$)
Description Returns an Integer containing the attributes of the specified file.
Comments The attribute value returned is the sum of the attributes set for the file. The value of each attribute is as follows:
Constant Value Includes
EbNormal 0 Read-only files, archive files, subdirectories, and files with no attributes.
EbReadOnly 1 Read-only files
EbHidden 2 Hidden files
EbSystem 4 System files
EbVolume 8 Volume label
EbDirectory 16 DOS subdirectories
EbArchive 32 Files that have changed since the last backup
EbNone 64 Files with no attributes
To determine whether a particular attribute is set, you can And the values shown above with the value returned by GetAttr . If the result is True , the attribute is set, as shown below:
Sub Main()
  Dim w As Integer
  w = GetAttr("sample.txt")
  If w And ebReadOnly Then MsgBox "This file is read-only."
End Sub
Example This example tests to see whether the file test.dat exists. If it does not, then it creates the file. The file attributes are then retrieved with the GetAttr function, and the result is displayed.
Const crlf = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Sub Main()
  Dim a()
  FileList a,"*.*"
  msg1 = ""
  r = SelectBox("Attribute Checker","Select File:",a)
  If r = -1 Then
    y% = GetAttr(a(r))
  End If
  If y% = 0 Then msg1 = msg1 & "This file has no special attributes." & crlf
  If y% And ebReadOnly Then msg1 = msg1 & "The read-only bit is set." & crlf
  If y% And ebHidden Then msg1 = msg1 & "The hidden bit is set." & crlf
  If y% And ebSystem Then msg1 = msg1 & "The system bit is set." & crlf
  If y% And ebVolume Then msg1 = msg1 & "The volume bit is set." & crlf
  If y% And ebDirectory Then msg1 = msg1 & "The directory bit is set." & crlf
  If y% And ebArchive Then msg1 = msg1 & "The archive bit is set."
  MsgBox msg1
  Goto Again
End Sub
See Also SetAttr (statement); FileAttr (function).