Troubleshooting UAA Service

Troubleshooting UAA Service

The following are general troubleshooting tips and issues you may experience when using Security services.

  • Troubleshooting UAA Command Line Interface (UAAC) Installation Issues
  • Troubleshooting Oauth2 Issues

Troubleshooting UAA Command Line Interface (UAAC) Installation Issues

There are a number of ways you can install UAAC. The procedure lists recommended installation steps for Windows and Linux users.


  1. Install Ruby from

    Use the stable version of Ruby (version 2.1.x).

    Note: The 64-bit versions of Ruby are relatively new and not all the packages have been updated to be compatible with it. To use the 64-bit version you will require compiler knowledge, and you will need to be prepared to solve dependency issues.
  2. Install the Ruby development kit.

    Follow the installation steps at

  3. Download Gem for UAAC, cf-uaac*.gem, from
  4. Install the cf-uaac*.gem gem.
    gem install cf-uaac*.gem
  5. Test if the installation was successful.
    uaac help


Installation of UAAC on Linux or Mac is easier if you use the bundler gem to install all the required dependencies for cf-uaac gem install.

  1. Verify that the Ruby version of Ruby is a stable version (version 2.1.x).
    ruby --version
  2. Download Gem for Bundler, bundler.gem, from
  3. Install the bundler gem.
    gem install bundler
  4. Generate a Gemfile with the default source.
    bundle init

    The Gemfile is created in the same location as the bundler gem.

  5. Edit the new Gemfile to include the gems you want to include in the bundle.
    # A sample Gemfile
    source ""
    # gem "rails"
    gem 'nokogiri'
    gem 'rack', '~>1.1'
    gem 'rspec', :require => 'spec'
    gem 'cf-uaac'
  6. Install all of the required gems from your specified sources.
    bundle install
  7. Install the cf-uaac gem.
    gem install cf-uaac
  8. Test to see if the installation was successful.
    uaac help

Troubleshooting Oauth2 Issues

Predix platform services use OAuth2 for authentication. Errors related to OAuth2 include the HTTP 401 Authorization error. To troubleshoot an OAuth2 issue, check the claims in a user or application token. For example, if you receive an HTTP 401 authorization error, you need to make sure that the token was issued from the correct UAA (iss claim) with the required scopes (scope).


Using online tools to decode tokens comes with several risks. If a token is stolen, it can be used by anyone to access protected resources without any other credentials. Even after a token expires, its claims information exposes internal details about Predix applications and systems, which can be used to help in other attacks.

Use the following tools to decode tokens on your local machine:

  • UAAC

    Use the following command to decode a token:

    uaac token decode


    uaac token decode 
    Note: no key given to validate token signature
    scope: test
    sub: [email protected]

    As indicated in the UAAC output message, you can provide a public key to validate the issuer of the token.

  • Base64

    The JWT claims are Base64-encoded JSON. If you do not need to validate the JWT issuer, use a tool that can decode the token claims section.

    A JWT token uses the following format:


    Use the following command to list the claims:

    echo | cut -f 2 -d . | base64 --decode


    echo 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovLzEyMzQxM
    | cut -f 2 -d . | base64 --decode
    {"iss":"","scope":"test","sub":"[email protected]"}

SSLException while targeting a UAA instance using UAAC

When targeting multiple UAA instances using UAAC, the client is able to authenticate some UAA instances successfully, but for others it generates an SSLException.


One probable cause of this issue is your proxy settings. Additionally the versions of UAAC, Ruby, and OpenSSL that you are using do not support a new GE certificate and you need to be able to accept TLS1.2 connections.


As a workaround, you can use the --skip-ssl-validation flag.

Use the following command to check the SSL certificate:

openssl ciphers -v | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq

Use the latest versions of UAAC, Ruby and OpenSSL.