SmartSignal Cards

Add a SmartSignal Card

Adding SmartSignal cards to ad hoc analysis charts allows the analyst to view SmartSignal analytics outputs to help isolate and identify issues with the assets.

About This Task

You can add a SmartSignal card to an analysis view using in the view header or the card Action drop-down list box.
Note: These options are also available when creating Time Series Analysis and Event Data Analysis views.

For the purposes of this documentation, it is assumed that you are adding a card to an existing template view.


To add a card below the currently selected card:
  1. In the module navigation menu, select Essentials > Analysis.
  2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset context.
  3. In the View Selector, select a System Templates (public or my template) or New Time Series Analysis view.
  4. On a card in the view, select , and then select SmartSignal Card.
  5. In the Name Your Card window, enter a name for the new card, and then select Create.
  6. Once selected, you are able to plot on your chart by dragging-and-dropping the tag. Each chart can only have one plotted tag.

Export Data on a SmartSignal Card

You can export the data from a SmartSignal card to a CSV file for record-keeping or ingestion purposes.


  1. Navigate to the desired SmartSignal card.
  2. In the SmartSignal card workspace, select .
    The CSV file of the exported card data is downloaded to the downloads folder.