Activate a License

Activate a License via Predix Essentials

Before You Begin

  • You must have obtained the license file and customer PIN.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Admin > Operations Manager > Activate Licenses.
    The Activate Licenses page appears.

  2. Select Load License.
    The Licenses Activation window appears.

  3. In the Customer PIN box, enter the customer PIN.
  4. In the License File box, select Choose File.
    The Open window appears.
  5. Navigate to the folder containing the license file, select the file, and then select Open.
    The Open dialog box closes, and the name of the file appears in the License File text box.
  6. Select OK.
    A message appears, asking you to log in again.
  7. Log in to Predix Essentials.


  • The Predix Essentials system validates the license file and PIN that you entered. If the file and PIN are determined to be valid, the License Activation window closes, and license file appears in the list in the Activate Licenses page.
  • For each module activated successfully, the Status field is populated with the text ACTIVE. However, if the license file or PIN are invalid, an error message will be displayed after Step 6. The error message will explain the problem that was encountered.

Activate a License via Command Prompt

Before You Begin

  • You must have obtained the license file from Predix Essentials.


  1. On your Predix Essentials Server, select the Windows Start button, then navigate to and right-click Command Prompt, and then select Run as administrator.
    The Command Prompt window appears.
  2. In the Command Prompt window, enter <root>\Program Files\Meridium\Upgrade\Meridium.Version.ContentActivation.exe /datasourceid:<Datasource Id> /u:<User> /p:<Password> /file:<License File> /pin:<PIN>
    • <root> is replaced with the location where the Predix Essentials program files are installed.
    • <Datasource Id>, <User>, and <Password> are replaced with the appropriate values.
    • <License File> is replaced with the path and file name of the license file that you want to apply (For example, C:\temp\APMLicenseFile.txt).
    • <PIN> is replaced with the customer-specific PIN associated with the selected license file. The appropriate PIN should have been provided to you when you received the license file.
    The utility runs, and the license is installed.
  3. Log off from Predix Essentials, and then log in again.
    The data source is activated.