Administrator Troubleshooting

Data Failed to Load Error

You see the Data Failed to Load error after performing a contains search for asset or tag classifications with less than three characters in the search text.


You log in to the APM application. You navigate to the Classifications page to search for asset or tag classifications. You select the Contains search filter for one or more search criteria and provide a search keyword fewer than three characters (for example, tr or et). When no results are returned after a minute of searching, the error message Data failed to Load appears.


When you perform the search with multiple query options or fewer search characters, your search scope is widened, impacting the query performance and leading to slower result retrieval.


Try to perform the search again. Use three or more characters in your search text, adding more if needed to obtain the search results. For example, if you want to search for the Classification Names such as Asset Turbines, Asset LT X45, turbo-asset or jet-asset, then provide the search text asset instead of set or et to narrow your search results.

Text or Number Converted to Wrong Format


When you access a CSV file in Microsoft Excel or the Google Sheets application, text or number values (for example, 42E002 or 430002) are automatically converted to an unintended number format (for example, 4.20E+04 or 4.30E+04).


Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets automatically apply a scientific notation or exponential format to the cell, if the text in that cell contains the letter E in uppercase or lowercase letters, or the number contains a character length larger than the column width.


If you use Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to edit or create your csv file, you must perform these steps before you type the numbers in the cells as text:
  1. Access a new Excel file.
  2. Select File > Import.
  3. Select CSV file, then select Import.
  4. Browse for the downloaded file on your local hard drive.
  5. Select Get data.
  6. In the Original Data Type section, select Delimited, then select Next.
  7. In the Delimiters section, select Tab and Comma, then select Next.
  8. Select the column you want to format in the table, select Text from the Column data format options, then select Finish.
  9. In the Import Data dialog box, select Existing sheet, then select OK.
  10. Save the Excel file to your local hard drive.
This method allows you to enter data in the selected cells as text. Make sure that the column width is large enough to fit in the longest value in that column. This ensures that the cell value is not automatically converted to another unintended format.

You can also use a plain text editor such as Notepad to modify your CSV file.