Second Quarter of 2018

Time Series Data

This topic provides a list of product changes released for this module on the dates listed below.

Release Date: June 29, 2018

Table 1. Resolved Issues
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Date time field values do not get ingested correctly.DE76034
When time series link is empty, query API displays more descriptive error message identifying the issue.DE74536

Release Date: April 27, 2018

Table 2. Resolved Issues
NoteTracking ID
Ingestion to support NaN in the following three File_types: ODBExportCSV, ProficyFileCollectorCSV, and JSON.
  • ODBExportCSV - NaN is ingested as "0" and Bad Quality.
  • ProficyFileCollectorCSV - NaN is ingested as "0" and Quality as specified in the file.
  • JSON - NaN is ingested as "0" and Quality as specified in the file.

In all formats, if NaN is ingested as a string, then it will be stored as a string.

Table 3. Obsolete Features
NoteTracking ID
In Time Series Data, the /v1 endpoints from the apm-timeseries-query-svc application have been deprecated. Consumers of the query endpoint should migrate to /v2 or above versions of the existing apm-timeseries-query-svc.

In addition, ingestion functionality from the apm-timeseries-query-svc application have been removed. Ingestion functionality will be available in the new module, apm-timeseries-ingestion-svc, which improves performance and adaptability.

Consumers of the ingestion endpoints on the existing apm-timeseries-query-svc should migrate to use the /v2 version endpoint on the new ingestion service, apm-timeseries-ingestion-svc.

You can find more information about these endpoints and the functionality they provide in the Time Series Data API documentation at