
Overview of Asset Strategy Implementation

The APM Asset Strategy Implementation (ASI) module lets you build Implementation Packages, which are containers of actions to be implemented in SAP. By implementing these Implementation Packages, you can create the corresponding structure in SAP.

If you want to implement work via items in your SAP system, you can also use ASI to create items such as Maintenance Plans, Maintenance Items, and Task Lists.

Important: If you choose to track your work using SAP items, you must activate the ASI for SAP license, which allows for integration between APM and an external SAP System.
Keep in mind that although ASI is highly configurable, the focus of this documentation is to explain how to perform tasks using the baseline ASI implementation.
Note: To support Asset Strategy Implementation (ASI) on cloud, rule-based customizations will no longer be valid (except the customizations for Package Builder, PRT Report Builder, and Object List Items Import). If you created rule-based customization in a previous version of APM, you must reconfigure them using the Asset Strategy Implementation Admin page.

Access the ASI Module Overview Page


In the Applications menu, navigate to the STRATEGY section, and then select Asset Strategy Implementation.
The ASI Overview page appears.

The tabs in the page summarize the number of items in various categories. You can select a tab to view one of the following:

  • Implementation Packages: A list of all implementation packages.
  • Maintenance Plans: A list of maintenance plans.
  • Actions: A list of actions associated with the implementation packages.

The page contains the following charts:

  • Implementation Packages by State: Plots the number of implementation packages in each state.
  • Maintenance Plans by Type: Plots the number of maintenance plans of each type.
Note: The Asset Strategy Implementation Overview page is not updated automatically when you return to the previously opened tab. You can select to update the page.

Select in the page to filter the information displayed in the ASI Overview page to a specific time range or asset. When you filter by an asset, the page displays information for the selected asset and the assets under it in the hierarchy. The Home level includes information not related to an asset or related to an asset not in the Asset Hierarchy.

ASI Workflow

The following workflow describes the basic tasks that you can perform within ASI and provides a general order in which you should perform them. This workflow assumes that all installation, upgrade, and configuration tasks have already been completed.

In general, you will need to perform the following tasks in ASI:

  1. Create an Implementation Package.
  2. Add Actions from a strategy.
  3. Add Work Management Item (WMIs) to the Implementation Package.
  4. Package the Implementation Package.
  5. Implement the Implementation Package.