
Overview of the Action Management Module

Action Management is a tool that allows you to define and to record the method by which change can be implemented to correct conditions, intent, or behaviors through Strategy Actions and Recommended Actions.

Note: Throughout this documentation, we use the term Recommendations to refer generically to any record that belongs to the Recommendations family or any of its subfamilies. When it is necessary to distinguish between Recommendation records that belong to different families, we use the specific family names.

Access the Action Management Page


In the module navigation menu, select Strategy > Action Management.
The Action Management page appears.

Note: The Action Management Overview page is not updated automatically when you return to the previously opened tab. You can select to update the page.

Recommendation Actions Workflow

The Recommended Actions in GE Digital APM can be used as a tool to manage all the Recommendation records created for an analysis. Recommendations are classified as either Strategic Recommendations (Strategy Actions) or Performance Recommendations. The Recommended Actions pane provides a common set of functions that is used by both Strategy Actions and Recommended Actions.

Important: The following set of procedures is not comprehensive. Some modules document their own Recommended Actions-specific functionality.

Using the Recommended Actions pane, you can perform the following functions:

  1. Search Recommended Actions
  2. Filter a Recommended Actions
  3. Modify Recommended Actions State Assignments
  4. Supersede Recommended Actions
  5. Unlink Linked Recommendation Records
  6. Delete a Recommended Actions